356 BCE
The date of Alexander the Great's birth
343 BCE
Aristotle is hired to teach Alexander the Great
338 BCE
The battle of Chaeronea is begun
337 BCE
Olympia orders the death of Cleopatra's son and drive Cleopatra to suicide
336 BCE
Phillip the II dies from a Sword wound
336 BCE
Alexander is crowned king
334 BCE
The battle of the Granicous begins
334 BCE
Alexander the Great cuts the Gordium Knot
333 BCE
The battle of Issus
333 BCE
Alexander the Great refuses the offer for an Alliance between the Persians and Greece
333 BCE
Alexander's troops captures King Darius' wives and unmarried daughters
333 BCE
The Persian army is defeated at the Battle of Issus
333 BCE
King Darius sends a letter to Alexander to try and set up an Alliance
326 BCE
Alexander the Great gets an Arrow to lung
323 BCE
Alexander the Great falls ill in Babylon and starts a 10 day struggle
323 BCE
The date of Alexander the Great's death