356 BCE
Birth of Alexander
He is in Pella, Macedonia to King Philip II -
343 BCE
Philip hires the Greek philosopher
Aristotle teaches Alexander to appreciate philosopher, geography, Greek poetry, and scientific investigation. -
340 BCE
Alexander Finishes Studying
Aristotle and joins his fathers army. -
338 BCE
The Macedonians Meet
The Athenians and Thebans in battle at Chaeronea. -
336 BCE
Philip Celebrates His Upcoming Departure
To attack Persia, as well as the marriage of his daughter Cleopatra. -
335 BCE
Theracians and IIIyrians
Rise up in rebellion. -
334 BCE
Alexander Borrows Money
To supply his troops for one month and departures for Asia in the spring. -
334 BCE
Alexander Leads The Macedonian
Army against at the Granicus river. -
333 BCE
Alexander Spends The Winter At Gordium
In present day Turkey. -
331 BCE
He Creates The City of Alexandria
Which mean't to be a hub of Greek commerce & culture. -
331 BCE
Alexander Moves From One Major Persian City
Conquering Babylon & taking treasure to distribute among his men. -
328 BCE
Alexander Becomes Drunk At A Banquet In The Fall
Suffering from tension of warfare & command. -
327 BCE
Alexander Marries Roxane, The Prince's Daughter
After conquering eastern Iran and capturing Prince Oxyartes. -
326 BCE
Hoping To Add Even More Terriory To His Empire
Alexander and his troops cross the Hindu Kush into northern India.. -
323 BCE
Death of Alexander
He dies of a fever in Babylon on his way back to Greece