356 BCE
Birth of Alexander
Born in Pela, Macedonia -
343 BCE
Aristotle Hired to Tutor Alexander
Greek philosopher is hired to tutor Alexander. -
340 BCE
Alexander Joins Father's Army
Alexander finishes studying under Aristotle and joins his father's army. -
338 BCE
Macedonians meet the Athenians
Macedonians meet the Athenians and Thebans in battle at Chaeronea. -
336 BCE
Philip Celebrates
Philip celebrates his upcoming departure to attack Persia. -
335 BCE
Thracians and Illyrians Rise Up In Rebellion
Thracians and Illyrians rise up in rebellion which inspires the Greek city-state of Thebes to rebel. -
334 BCE
Departure for Asia
Alexander borrows money to supply his troops for one month and departs for Asia in the spring. -
331 BCE
Alexander Creates the City of Alexandria
Alexander sweeps south and easily conquers Egypt after besieging Gaza. -
331 BCE
Alexander Conquered Babylon
Alexander conquers Babylon and takes treasure to distribute among his men. -
328 BCE
Alexander Becomes Drunk
Alexander gets drunk at the banquet in the fall. -
327 BCE
Alexander Gets Married
Alexander gets married to Roxane, the prince's daughter. -
326 BCE
Alexander Gets Sick
Alexander fell sick with a sudden fever and couldn't continue his campaign. -
326 BCE
Alexander and Troops Cross Hindu Kush
Alexander and his troops cross the Hindu Kush into northern India. They defeat King Porus, leader of a kingdom east of Hydaspes River. -
323 BCE
Death of Alexander
Alexander dies in Babylon of a fever. He dies at the age of 32.