Alexander The Great

By yuri23
  • 356 BCE

    The Birth of Alexander

    The Birth of Alexander
    Alexander was born in Pella, Macedonia. Child of King Phillip II
  • 343 BCE

    Aristotle becomes alexanders tutor

    Aristotle becomes alexanders tutor
    King Philip hires aristotle to tutor Alexander
  • 340 BCE

    Alexander joins army

    Alexander joins army
    Alexander joins his fathers army after he finished his tutoring with aristotle.
  • 338 BCE

    Battle at Chaeronea. Alexanders first battle

    Battle at Chaeronea. Alexanders first battle
    Macedonians meet Athenians and Thebans in battle at Chaeronea. Alexander leads the attack.
  • 336 BCE

    King Philip is assassinated.

    King Philip is assassinated.
    Philip was killed in the Agae Theater. Alexander became king at age 20.
  • 335 BCE

    Thracians, Illyrians, and Thebes rebel.

    Thracians, Illyrians, and Thebes rebel.
    Alexander quickly besieges the city and razes it to the ground. The inhabitants were executed or sold into slavery. Alexander begins his plans against Persia.
  • 334 BCE

    Macedonia is Bankrupt

    Macedonia is Bankrupt
    Alexander borrows money to supply his troops for one month and departs for asia.
  • 334 BCE

    Alexander leads Macedonia against Persia

    Alexander leads Macedonia against Persia
    the persians retreat after savage fighting. Alexanders army moves along the southern coast in Asia while liberating a number of cities under persias rule.
  • 333 BCE

    Alexander solves Gordian Knot

    Alexander solves Gordian Knot
    Alexander spends the wonter at Gordium present day Turkey, He solved the puzzle of the Gordian Knot, which held together the yoke and pole of a wagon once belonging to King Midas
  • 331 BCE

    City of Alexandria

    City of Alexandria
    the city of Alexandria was created which is meant to be the hub of Greek commerce and culture. Babylon was conquered taking treasure to distribute amongst his men. Alexander adopts persian customs to hold his empire together.
  • 328 BCE

    Argument between Cleitus

    Argument between Cleitus
    Alexander got drunk at a banquet. He accidently stabs his friend Cleitus filling Alexander with remorse of his death. This is a turning point for Alexander causing his soldiers to fear him.
  • 327 BCE

    Alexander gets Married

    Alexander gets Married
    Alexander marries Roxane. Prince Oxyartes daughter. The event was meant ti be a political alliance, and serves as an insult to Barsine. Alexanders Persian mistress.
  • 326 BCE

    Alexander crosses Northern India

    Alexander crosses Northern India
    Alexander crosses the Hindu Kush in hopes to gain more territory. They defeat King Porus leader of a kingdom east of Hydaspes river, after figuring out how to defeat KIng Porus war Elephants. Alexanders army rufused to go any further and return to Babylon
  • 323 BCE

    Death of Alexander

    Death of Alexander
    Alexander dies in Babylon of a fever.