356 BCE
Alexander was born
340 BCE
Alexander’s father is at war against Greece
339 BCE
Alexander reads old recorders about his father.
Philip and Cleopatra get married. -
338 BCE
Alexander goes to his first battle.
338 BCE
Philip and Cleopatra get married.
336 BCE
People gather for a feasible for the Gods
336 BCE
Philip dies Alexander becomes the King.
335 BCE
Alexander goes to Delphi for the oracle
333 BCE
Alexander takes a wife
331 BCE
Alexander realized that her can’t rule all of Asia if Darius is still alive.
331 BCE
He defeats Darius
324 BCE
Hephaestion dies. Alexander's close friend.
323 BCE
Alexander died
Alexander fights another battle and he get injured. And it was life threatening
King Philip's tomb is discovered.