Alexander the great

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    Alexander becomes drunk at the banquite

    suffering from the warfar and the command
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    Death of Alexander

    Dies in Babylon of a fever.
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    hoping to add even more territory to his impirer

    Alexander and his troop crossed the Hindu kush mt into northern india
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    after conquering eastern Iran and capturing prince oxygenates

    Alexander marry Roxanne the prince daughter
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    he creates the city of Alexandrian

    which is meant to be a hub of Greek comenceer
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    Alexander spends the winter at gorduim

    in present day turkey
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    Alexander leads the Macedonian army

    after savage fighting the persian retreated
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    Tracians and lllyrians rise up in rebilion

    this inspires the Greek city state of Thebes of rebel
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    philip celebrates to his upcoming attack to perisa

    well as his daughter cleopatra
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    the macedence meets the athens

    Thebans in battle at chaerona
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    Alexander finished studding

    Alexander finished studding and joins his fathers army
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    Philip hires the Greek philosopher

    atrolestle to tutored Alexander for almost 3 years
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    Birth of Alexander

    born in pella, Macedonia to king phillp ll