Alexander The Great

By m7ni
  • 356 BCE

    The Birth of Alexander The Great

    The Birth of Alexander The Great
    Alexander the Great was born in the Pelli region of the Queen Olympia and the King Philip II.
  • 336 BCE

    Taking Power

    Taking Power
    King Philip II was assassinated by one of his body guards, after the death of Alexander’s father he soon become King of Macedon as a 19 year old man.
  • 334 BCE

    Taking Control Over Persia

    Taking Control Over Persia
    Alexander The Great invaded the Persian Empire and began a series of meetings that lasted 10 years. Alexander took power over Persia after the brutal battles and soon won.
  • 334 BCE

    Battle Of Asia

    Battle Of Asia
    Alexander the great fought in battle of northwestern Asia Minor it was there where Alexander defeated the forces of the Persian governor.
  • 332 BCE

    Conquering Egypt

    Conquering Egypt
    Alexander The Great marched toward Egypt, also at the time Egypt was under the Persian control so Alexander had control over Egypt already.
  • 323 BCE

    The Belief Of Being A God

    The Belief Of Being A God
    By the time of Alexander’s death he was convinced that he was not the son of Kind Philip II but, instead was the son of the Greek God Zeus.
  • 323 BCE

    The Death Of Alexander The Great

    The Death Of Alexander The Great
    Alexander the great was making his way back in a place Babylon, while he was in Babylon he became ill and died.
  • 323 BCE

    Alexander’s Love Life

    Alexander’s Love Life
    Alexander was married three times to Roxana of Bactria, Stateria, and Parysatis, daughter of my Ochus.