Alexander The Great

  • 356 BCE

    Birth of Alexander

    Birth of Alexander
    Birth in Macedonia, the son of king Philip ll
  • 125 BCE

    The Army

    The Army
    His first task was to organize a good, competent, disciplined and numerous army, capable of dealing with the greatest people of that known world, able to dominate him, as he did, over two centuries. Philip prepared the army not with mercenaries, but with his subjects, for the subsequent triumph of Alexander the Great, just as Gaius Mario prepared in Rome the army that would make Caesar triumph
  • 86

    Cayo Mario

    Cayo Mario
    was a Roman politician and military, named third founder of Rome by his military successes.
  • 100

    Cayo Julio César

    Cayo Julio César
    was a Roman-military leader and politician of the late-republican era.
  • 346

    Third Holy War

    Third Holy War
    was fought between the armies of Thebes and Phocis by the control of Delphi. Compared with the Second Holy War, it was longer, more bitter and more violent.
  • 358

    Military Campaigns

    Military Campaigns
    His expansionist ideas of Macedonia and his military capacity soon led him to great success. He immediately settled the power of the Macedonian monarchy both inside and outside its borders. In the interior, he ended the suitors who saw him as a usurper and dominated the princes of the high regions
  • 359

    Philip II of Macedonia

    Philip II of Macedonia
    was king of Macedonia from 359 a. C. until his death. It was the father of Alexander the Great, and it is possible that also of Ptolemy I Sóter, founder of the Ptolemaic dynasty
  • 375

    Olimpia de Epiro

    Olimpia de Epiro
    was the chief wife of King Philip II of Macedonia and mother of Alexander the Great. She was daughter of Neoptólemo I of Epiro, king of Molosia, in the region of Epiro to the northwest of present Greece.