365 BCE
Alexander the Great was born.
340 BCE
King Philip goes to war.
338 BCE
King Philip and Cleopatra's wedding.
338 BCE
Alexander becomes Macedonian captain.
334 BCE
King Philip was assassinated by his own body guard.
333 BCE
Alexander found his enemy waiting on the other side of the sea.
332 BCE
Alexander becomes Pharaoh.
331 BCE
A rain burst from the heavens and saved them all.
331 BCE
Alexander the Great realizes that he can't claim Asia if Darius remains alive.
330 BCE
Alexander takes over Darius's throne and the city of Persepolis.
327 BCE
Alexander takes a wife.
326 BCE
Alexander begins a campaign in India.
324 BCE
Alexander's close friend Hephestain dies.
323 BCE
A group of officers watch over Alexander while he's in critical condition.
323 BCE
Alexander dies.