356 BCE
Birth of Alexander
Alexander born in 356 B.C., at Pella in Macedonia, the son of king phillip II and Olympias. -
343 BCE
Trained by Aristotles
In 343 B.C., Phillip hires the Greek philosopher Aristotle to tutor Alexander, he teach Alexander how to appreciate Philosophy, Geography, Greek poetry and scientific investigation -
340 BCE
Alexander finishes studying under Aristotle
In 340 B.C., at age 16 Alexander finishes studying under Aristotle and joins his father's Army. -
338 BCE
The Macedonians meet the Athenians and thebans
In august 338 B.C. the Macedonians meet the Athenians and Thebans in battle at chaeronea, Alexander leads the attack against the Thebans, While his father leads the attack against the Athenians. -
336 BCE
Philip celebrates his attack to persia
In October 336 B.C, Philip celebrates his upcoming departure to attack Persia, as well as the marriage of his daughter Cleopatra. However, one of his body guards assassinates him on the theater of agae. -
335 BCE
The Thracian's and Illyrians rise up in Rebelion
In the spring of 335 B.C., This inspires the Greek city state of Thebes to rebel and Alexander quickly besieges the city and razes it to the ground.