356 BCE
Alexander's birth
Born in Pella, Macedonia to King Phillip II -
344 BCE
Alexander's companion
Alexander tamed the wild
horse Bucephalus. This
horse would become his
battle companion for
most of his life. -
343 BCE
Alexander's Teacher
Alexander’s father called
on Aristotle to tutor his
son alexander. -
338 BCE
Alexander's first battle
At 16 years old
Alexander was left to rule
Macedonia for some time
and proved himself by
ending the Band of
Thebes. -
336 BCE
Alexander's heir
Alexanders father Phillip
was assassinated and
left alexander to rule
Macedonia at just 20
years old. -
333 BCE
The Battle of Issus
Alexander would win the
Battle of Issus caused
Darius to leave his family
leading to Sisygambis
(his mother) to disown
him and adopt Alexander. -
332 BCE
Siege of Tyre
After the last encounter
with Tyrians, Alexander
amassed a large fleet
and breached the city,
executed thousands,
many sold into slavery. -
331 BCE
Battle of Gaugamela
After conquering Egypt
Alexander faced Darius
and his massive troops at
Gaugamela later ending
in Darius being killed and
buried by Alexander and
proclaimed himself as
king of Persia. -
326 BCE
Battle of Hydaspes
After trying to conquer all of India King Porus was defeated, Alexander was forced to return to Persia severely wounded. -
323 BCE
Alexander's legacy
Alexander was head of an enormous empire and had recovered from the devastating loss of Hephaestion -
323 BCE
Alexander's end
After surviving battle after fierce battle, Alexander the Great died in June 323 B.C at age 32.