356 BCE
Alexander the Great is born -
356 BCE
Alexander was the son of King Philip II of Macedon and Olympias, daughter of King Neoptolemus I of Epirus. Olympias wasn't the only wife of Philip and there was a lot of conflict between Alexander's parents. -
Period: 356 BCE to 329
Alexander the Great
Alexander the Great was a king of the Ancient Greek kingdom of Macedon. -
343 BCE
Philip hires Aristotle to tutor Alexander -
340 BCE
Alexander and his Father fight together
Alexander joins his father's army and they go off to fight together. -
339 BCE
War tactics
Alexander studies his father's war tactics and learns about how they are used and effective. -
338 BCE
Attack against the Turbans
Alexander is the leader for an attack on the Turbans. This is one of the first attacks that he led. -
334 BCE
Alexander takes the throne
His father is assassinated, so Alexander takes the throne because he is next in line after his father. -
334 BCE
Alexander wins again
Alexander leads his troops to yet another victory at the Granicus River and defeats Darius III of Persia. -
333 BCE
Alexander is victorious over the Persians
Alexander the Great defeats the Persians at Issus and is given Egypt by the Persian Satrap where he builds a capital at Alexandria and founds the great library -
333 BCE
Gordian knot is untied
the Macedonian conqueror marched his army into the Phrygian capital of Gordium in modern day Turkey. There were knots tied together so tightly that it was almost impossible to untie it. Alexander untied it easily. -
331 BCE
Alexander and his troops conquer Babylon -
327 BCE
Alexander the great marries Roxane. -
326 BCE
Northern India
Alexander defeats King Porus in northern India at the battle of Hydaspes. -
323 BCE
Alexander the great conquers Egypt which marked the beginning of the Greek period in Egyptian history. He had captured Gaza and led his forces towards Pelusium, the eastern gateway to Egypt. -
323 BCE
Alexander the Great dies. Shortly before, he is asked who he wants to give the throne to and he replies with "To the strongest". Still not as much of a legend as Harambe.