Alexander the great

By giannaj
  • 356 BCE


    born in Persia while father (phillip III) was becoming the king of Macedonia
  • 343 BCE

    13 years old

    tutored by Aristotle (illad proufous source of inspiration)
  • 340 BCE

    16 years old

    in charge of Macedonia for father (awarded a town named after him after a success )
  • 338 BCE

    18 years old

    leading a cavalry charge which decides the outcome of the battle
  • 336 BCE

    20 years old

    father passed (Alexander took his place as commander)
    Thebans rebel agasit the leaque decision
    territory divided/enslaved
    alexander leaves Macedonia
  • 334 BCE

    22 years old

    marched a army to Greece to settle things
    stops by the site of troy to do a romantic ritual
  • 333 BCE

    23 years old

    defeats the army led by the Persian emperor Darious III
  • 332 BCE

    24 years old

    moved Persians from Anatolia to the south of the coast present-day syria, lebbon, isarel
    in Egypt he was crowned phorah
  • 331 BCE

    25 years old

    moves northeast defeats emperor Darius (Persepolis)
  • 330 BCE

    26 years old

    burned the palace of Xerxes ( claiming it was a drunken act)
    becomes emperor
  • 327 BCE

    29 years old

    goes to India
    there his favorite horse passes away (bucephoia)
  • 325 BCE

    31 years old

    goes back home to persia
  • Period: 324 BCE to 323 BCE

    32 years old

    he celebrated the capture of the Persian empire
    marries one of Darius daughter
    a best friend passes away shortly after he did as well with no children to lead his legacy on