
Alexander Hamilton Life Accomplishments - Steck

  • Alexander Hamilton born in the island of Nevis

    His exact birth year is either January 11, 1755 or 1757
  • Arrives in New York City

    Funds were collected in order to send him to New York for an education
  • Enters College

    Attends King's College
  • Publishes the Full Vindication

  • Joins a volunteer corps

    Hamilton and other King's College students join a volunteer militia called the Corsicans
  • Takes command of artillery company

  • Joins Washington's Staff

    Hamilton becomes General George Washington's assistant
  • Writes his first letter

    Hamilton wrote his first letter to Robert Morris on the National Bank
  • Letter to Duane

    Hamilton writes a letter to Duane on the Government
  • Marriage

    Hamilton marries Elizabeth Schuyler
  • Admitted to the bar

    Hamilton passed the bar exam and was granted the legal right to practice law in the New State of New York
  • Appointed into Congress of the Confederation

    Hamilton was appointed as a New York representative for the term beginning in November of 1782
  • Appointed Receiver of Taxes

  • Enters Congress

  • Returns to practice law

    Hamilton resigns from Congress in order to practice law
  • Founds the Bank of New York

    Hamilton founded the Bank of New York, the oldest and ongoing bank in the U.S..
  • Delegate to Annapolis Convention

  • Elected to the New York Legislature

    Hamilton was elected as a delegate by his father-in-law Philip Schuyler
  • Delegate to the Philadelphia Convention

  • Writes the Federalist

    Hamilton wrote a series of essays along with John Jay and James Madison that appeared in New York newspapers, in order to urge delegates to ratify the Constitution
  • Delegate to the New York Convention

    Hamilton convinced New Yorkers to agree to ratify the U.S. Constitution
  • Appointed Secretary of the Treasury

    Hamilton was appointed by George Washington to become the first Secretary of the Treasury
  • Transmits to the House of the First Report on the Public Credit

  • Elected a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences

    Hamilton was elected while he was Secretary of Treasury
  • Resigns Secretaryship of the Treasury

    Hamilton resigns his Secretaryship in order to return to the practice of the law
  • Appointed Inspector-General of the Army

    Hamilton was appointed the rank of Major General
  • Retires from army

  • Shot by Aaron Burr

    Hamilton was shot by Burr in a duel at Weehawken
  • Death

    Hamilton died due to the wound he sustained by Burr on the duel