Alexander Hamilton

  • Alex Attends King's College

    Alex Attends King's College
    Alexander Hamilton attends King’s College. This college is now known as Columbia University. He now has a medal named after him in Columbia University which is known as the highest honor. This was significant because this is where Hamilton had learned most of his skills such as writing and debating. This helped with his future political career.
  • Alexander Made Lieutenant Colonel to George Washington

    Alexander Made Lieutenant Colonel to George Washington
    Hamilton was appointed was appointed the rank of lieutenant colonel to George Washington. He had desperately wanted the glory of being in the army since a young age. His rank helped cease the fire of his policies created and temper
  • Marries Eliza Schuyler

    Marries Eliza Schuyler
    Hamilton marries Eliza Schuyler. While Alexander was busy with politics, Eliza had aided him with writing and continued building their home. She had even contributed in the Federalist Papers.
  • Hamilton Fights in The Battle of Yorktown

    Hamilton Fights in The Battle of Yorktown
    Hamilton fights in the Battle of Yorktown. The get Cornwallis to surrender. This leads to Hamilton being appointed a member of Congress.
  • Hamilton Begins Writing Federalist Paper's

    Hamilton Begins Writing Federalist Paper's
    At this time, Hamilton began writing the Federalist Papers. It had impacted the discussion of ratification in New York significantly. Made Hamilton’s writing known.
  • Hamilton Made Secretary of Treasury

    Hamilton Made Secretary of Treasury
    Hamilton is given the job of first secretary of treasury. He helped the United States debt. This allowed other countries to start respecting them as a country.
  • Creates First National Bank

    Creates First National Bank
    Hamilton created the first national bank. Thought it was essential for the countries credit and success. Strong opposition from Thomas Jefferson.
  • Hamilton's Affair Made Public

    Hamilton's Affair Made Public
    Hamilton's affair with Maria Reynolds happened in this time. Her husband demanded hush hush money from Alexander which he paid. In the end, it was exposed to the public and had ruined his chances of becoming president.
  • Philip Hamilton Passes Away

    Philip Hamilton Passes Away
    Philip Hamilton dies. Newspapers had said he was a foolish boy who couldn’t take some teasing. Hamilton and Eliza never recovered from their lost. Eliza gave birth around Philip’s death and named the child Philip in his honor.
  • Hamilton Dies in a Duel

    Hamilton Dies in a Duel
    Alexander Hamilton dies. Aaron Burr, a long time rival had a duel, and Hamilton had lost. He died surrounded by his family and friends and the press painted our Burr to be a murderer.