Alexander Graham Bell

  • His Birth

    His Birth
    Eliza Grace Symonds gave birth to Alexander Bell in Edinburgh, Scotland. Alexander was named after his father Alexander Melville Bell. In later years, he would also be given the name Graham. (Highlander 126)
  • Gold Rush

    Gold Rush
    James W. Marshall discovered that there was a huge amount of gold in California. This discovery brought 300,00 people to California. Many miners worked tirelessly for days. In all, $2,000,000,000 was recovered from the mines.(
  • Invention of First Machine

    Invention of First Machine
    At only the age of 12, Alexander built a machine, the first of many more to come. At such a young age the inventor was identifying problems and solving them. His latest invention cleaned wheat and grains while removing the husks. (
  • Evolution

    Charles Darwin proves the idea of Natural Selection after much research. Natural Selection is the idea that the stronger of a species will live on and adapt to their environment. However, Natural Selection also shows that the weaker of a species die off from nature or being killed. (
  • American Civil War

    American Civil War
    The American Civil War began because the northern states in America wanted slavery abolished. The Southern states agreed with slavery. Abraham Lincoln, who fought against slavery, was elected as the 16 President and war broke out in the ¨United¨ States. (Grun 432)
  • Visible Speech Invented

    Visible Speech Invented
    Alexander Melville Bell wanted to help the blind by making visible speech. The invention sparked many ideas in Alexander Graham's mind. While traveling with his father, Alexander Graham was able to experience all types of universities and encounter different lab environments. When his dad would go on tour to explain visible speech, Alexander Graham Bell was right alongside him speaking to and meeting all different scientists and inventors. (Highlander 126)
  • A Sporadic Education

    A Sporadic Education
    After attending Royal High School in Edinburgh from 1857-1859 Alexander took a break from education. He enrolled to continue his schooling at Weston House academy and was there from 1863-1864. He then attended The University of Edinburgh until 1865. Finally, in 1868 he arrived at The University College London where he would finish his schooling. (
  • Moving 3,530 Miles Away

    Moving 3,530 Miles Away
    The end of Alexander's education began when his last surviving brother Melville James died. With it being only 3 years after their brother Edward Charles and both having died of tuberculosis, Alexander's parents were frightened for Alexander. They feared he would suffer the same fate. The family decided to move to Ontario, Canada and Graham's education would discontinue. (Highlander 127)
  • Starting a Family

    Starting a Family
    Alexander decided to move to Boston Massachusetts. he taught at the Boston School for Deaf Mutes, the Clarke School for the Deaf, and the American School for the Deaf. He would later marry one of the Clarke School's daughters, Mabel Gardiner Hubbard, after working with her for four years. They would then have two daughters and two sons. Both sons would die during infancy. (Feldman and Ford 204)
  • Idea Strikes

    Idea Strikes
    One of Alexander's greatest fascinations was reading other scientists theories and discoveries. Alexander read Hermann von Helmholtz's book explaining some of his philosophical views and used it to create a way into making sounds visible for the deaf. He began to try and make a photophone. (Highlander 127)
  • Invention of Telephone

    Invention of Telephone
    Bell started to examine the phonautograph and how it worked. The phonautograph was a cone-shaped speaking horn with a flexible covering on the small end. The device could record sounds and play them back. Alexander used the design and idea to create a telephone. He thought that if he could use his previous research for a phonautograph and made the telephone. (
  • Saving a Life

    Saving a Life
    When an assassin's bullet got stuck in President James Garfield, Alexander thought fast and created a device that he called the Induction Balance, but would later be known as a Metal Detector. The device was supposed to find where the bullet had been stuck but the doctor had misused it which resulted in a false idea of failure on Bell. (Feldman and Ford 204)
  • Taking Flight

    Taking Flight
    The Wright Brothers invent the first successful flying machine. The later named airplane only went 800 yards in 59 seconds in Kitty Hawk, North Carolina. The brothers knew that much work had to be done in creating a better propulsion method. However, their invention was a marvel to all. (
  • World War I

    World War I
    The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo, Bosnia marked the beginning of World War I. The Triple Entente which at the time consisted of Britain, France, Ireland and Russia fought the Central Powers. In the beginning the Central Powers only consisted the Austria-Hungarian Empire and Germany. (Grun 466)
  • Babe Ruth

    Babe Ruth
    The amazing baseball player had hit his peak of home runs in a season. Babe Ruth, one of the greatest baseball players, hit 59 homeruns in one season during his second year of batting for New York. (
  • His Death

    His Death
    After 75 great years of life Alexander Graham Bell died in Nova Scotia, Canada. Bell had diabetes which resulted in many health complications that eventually killed him. the amazing inventor was never forgotten and lives on in his many inventions. (