Alexander Graham Bell

  • Birth Of Alexander Graham Bell

    Birth Of Alexander Graham Bell
    Alexander Graham Bell was born on March 3, 1847, in Edinburgh, Scotland. The son of Alexander Melville Bell and Eliza Grace Symonds Bell. Melville Bell (Alexanders father)was a teacher and researcher of physiological phonetics.This event is significant because Alexander goes on to be one of the worlds most well know inventors ("Alexander Graham Bell American Inventor").
  • Great Potato Famine

    Great Potato Famine
    The Great Potato Famine was "a period of mass starvation, disease, and emigration in Ireland between 1845 and 1852". This famine is the deadliest disaster in Ireland's history by death total. This is an important event in history because nearly 1.5 million people died from this tragedy(Joel Mokyr).
  • Bells First Invention

    Bells First Invention
    In December of 1859 Bell has his first invention at age 12. This machine cleans wheat grains and removes husks. This is significant because it is the start of his amazing career as a very important inventor to science(Hylander 127).
  • American Civil War

    American Civil War
    In Sharpsburg Maryland, on September 17, 1862, the American Civil War began. This Civil war was triggered by differences between the free and slave states over the power of the national government to abolish slavery. This was a significant event in history because it is the first American Civil War ("the peoples history").
  • Bells Family Moves

    Bells Family Moves
    In 1865, Bell for the first time in his life he was without his family. His family had moved to London England but Bell decides to stay in Scotland. This event is important because this is the first time Bell is able to live his own life and become self dependent ("Alexander Graham Bell American Inventor").
  • College

    In 1866, Bell attends college at the University of Edinburgh. There he studied how the mouth, throat, and ears, worked together. This is significant because it leads to his later inventions that involved knowing this useful information(Hylander 126-130).
  • Death of Bells brothers

    Death of Bells brothers
    Alexander's brothers are Edward and Melville, they both died of tuberculosis Edward was his younger brother and died first Melville was his older brother. Edward died in 1867 may 17. Melville died in 1870 may 28. This is significant because Bells family moves to Canada due to the death of Bell's brothers (Hall 68).
  • Bell In Boston

    Bell In Boston
    In 1871, when Bells family moved to Canada after the death of his brothers, Bell decided to move to Boston. In Boston Bell began to think about his design of the telephone more in depth. It is a significant part of Bells life because Bell was in Boston when he officially invented the telephone(Hall72).
  • Begins Teaching the Deaf

    Begins Teaching the Deaf
    In 1871, Bell opens a school for the deaf. He opens the school after he finished college, where he learned about the human ear. Bell plans to be with his new school for the rest of his working life. This is a significant event, because Alexander went to college for the this, it lead to his teaching of the deaf, which later lead to his invention of the telephone and because of his prior knowledge about how the human ear receives sound waves it helped him invent the telephone (McCormick 9).
  • British Columbia

    British Columbia
    In 1871, British Columbia becomes a Canadian province. This is adding more people to Canada's population. This is significant in world history because it gives Canada more power(Michael Lee).
  • First Thoughts About the Telephone

    First Thoughts About the Telephone
    In 1874, while thoughts ran through Bells head about inventing the telephone he said, “If I could make a current of electricity vary in intensity precisely as the air varies in density during the production of sound, I should be able to transmit speech telegraphically”. Today people wouldn't understand something so complex but, for someone in the 1800's to come up with that, it takes smarts. This event is the start of what leads to a very successful career in inventing for Bell (Hall 70).
  • First Telephone

    First Telephone
    On this date (July 11, 1877) Alexander Graham Bell created the telephone. This is one of the most important inventions of all time. This event is significant because we still use this invention today. People nowadays don't realize how lucky we are to have telephones as a form of communication (Hylander 130).
  • Haiphong typhoon

    Haiphong typhoon
    On October 8 ,1881 Haiphong typhoon was a typhoon that struck Haiphong which is now known as Vietnam. This typhoon is a significant event because it destroyed hundreds of miles in the Philippians. This typhoon was the third deadliest storm ever recorded in history with the death total at about 300,000 ("The 10 Deadliest Storms in History").
  • The Statue of Liberty

    The Statue of Liberty
    The Statue of Liberty was unveiled in New York in 1886. This was a gift from France to the United States. This is a symbol of peace and freedom form the country. This Statue is special to the United States and is almost shown as a pride factor. The statue is still visited by tourists and American citizens everyday. ("The people history").
  • The Panama Canal is Created

    The Panama Canal is Created
    In 1914 panama canal was opened. The United States president Theodore Roosevelt built this. This is significant because it gave the United States a way to cut across Centeral America without going all f the way around South America ("the peoples history").
  • Alexander Graham Bells Death

    Alexander Graham Bells Death
    Alexander Graham Bell died on August 2, 1877. He died of diabetes. This event is significant because everyone will always remember him for his amazing inventions and his want to help people. (McCormick 11)