Alexander Graham Bell

  • birth

    Alexander Graham Bell was born on March 3, 1847. He was born in Edinburgh, Scotland. He was born under his parents Alexander Melville and Eliza Bell. Bell's father was an expert of mechanics and his mother was very hard of hearing, but she became an expert pianist. Alexander was born the middle child of two brothers. This event is important because it marked the birthday of the man who helped the deaf and invent the telephone.
    Source:(Hylander 126).
  • first invention

    first invention
    At age 12, Bell kicked off his inventing career by making his first invention. One day while with a friend, Alexander Graham Bell noticed how difficult it was to husk wheat. Bell soon went home and invented a machine made of rotating paddles and nails. This machine made it very easy to husk wheat. This event is important because it helped begin Alexander Graham Bell's inventing career at a young age.
  • early schooling

    early schooling
    Alexander Graham Bell didn't go to school for the beginning of his life. He was taught at home by his almost deaf mother Eliza. By the age of ten, Bell was allowed to go to a private school. Although he didn't like school, Bell enjoyed learning about speech training for the deaf. Bell soon graduated at age 14 and chose to work with the deaf. This is important because this led to Alexander Graham Bell's want to study about hearing and communication.
    source:(hylander 127).
  • Period: to

    American Civil War

    The American Civil War was fought by the northern states versus the southern states of the United States. It was fought over slave rights, state rights, and tariffs. The war ended in 1865 which resulted with the northern states beating the southern states. This is important because the war helped abolish slavery in America and bring us to the great country that we have today.
    source: (
  • Alexander Graham Bell moves to London

    Alexander Graham Bell moves to London
    Alexander Graham Bell loved speech training which his father taught. After lots of studying, Bell moved to London with his father, Melville, to act as his assistant. While in London, Bell studied every book about the Helmholtz account. This account explained sound vibrations and odd sounds. This is important because the Helmholtz account led to Bell experimenting with sound waves while speaking. source:(
  • Period: to

    Death of brothers and moving to Canada

    Bell's family was struck with sadness in 1870. Both of Alexander Graham Bell's brothers had died due to tuberculosis. This disease affects your breathing and lungs. This is important because it caused Bell and his family to move to Ontario, Canada. They did this to try and protect Alexander Graham Bell from the disease. This is significant because without his brothers death, Bell would not have moved closer to future job in Boston where he taught speech therapy.
    source: ( Hylander 128).
  • The Chicago Fire

    The Chicago Fire
    The Chicago Fire was a time where a wild fire spread through the city of Chicago for about two days. It is unknown exactly how the fire was started but legend has it that a cow kicked a lantern in a barn. The fire did lots of damage to the city and killed over 300 people. This is important because the fire caused a growth in population and economics.
  • Boston

    Bell moved to Boston in 1873. He accepted the job at the Boston School for the Deaf where he taught many students and gave many lectures. Soon he opened his own school for Vocal physiology. This is important because this is where Bell first invented the telephone. source:(Bruce 120 ).
  • The Statue of Liberty

    The Statue of Liberty
    The Statue of Liberty was a gift from France to America. It was given as a gift to the country for creating a strong government. The Statue of Liberty symbolizes the friendship between both countries. The statue is located in New York on Ellis Island. This is important because the statue represents the bond between France and America and how two countries can be allies.
  • Patenting the telephone

    Patenting the telephone
    In 1876, Alexander Graham Bell got a patient for his first invention. He learned how to send a simple current which soon led to him sending actual words to his partner, Watson, in the other room. Bell said the words " Mr.Watson,come here. I need you". This is important because the telephone is one of the most useful inventions of all time that is used by almost everyone.
    source: (
  • First long distance call

    First long distance call
    Alexander Graham Bell made the first long distant call in 1877. The call was made from Salem to his partner Watson who was in Boston at the Boston Globe. The phone looked very different in 1877. It was a small wooden box where the speaker talked and listened in the small hole. People were amazed by the phone and the news of the long distance made it into the newspaper the next day. This is important because people can now make calls everywhere thanks to Bell.
  • Theodore Roosevelt

    Theodore Roosevelt
    Theodore Roosevelt became the president in September 1901. He was elected as our 26 president. He was the youngest president to be elected at the time and was considered very powerful and exciting . While in office, Roosevelt made an excellent foreign policy as well as many reforms. Roosevelt died on January 6, 1919 while campaigning. This is significant because Roosevelt served at the highest job of running our country and did an amazing job at doing it.
  • First Modern Day World Series

    First Modern Day World Series
    The first Major League World Series was held on October 1st, 1903. The Boston Americans played against the Pittsburgh Pirates. The series consisted of 9 games. The Boston Americans won the World Series by winning 5 games and losing three. The highlights of the series was the Americans comeback of winning three straight games to win the whole series. This is important because baseball entertained many people and paved the way for many other world series.
    source: (
  • Alexander Graham Bell and power gliding

    Alexander Graham Bell and power gliding
    In his later life, Bell began to enjoy flying kites. He did this to find out if he could solve the problem of heavier air crafts. Bell invented the aerodrome which was his forty-two-foot kite. It was towed by a boat and remained in the air for a long time. This is important because Bell helped change flying forever by helping create the first powered glider.
    source: (Hylander 139).
  • World War I

    World War I
    July 28, 1914 marked the date of the first World War. World War I Showed the fight between the allied countries like America, France and Russia against the Central Powers which was made up of countries like Germany. The assassination of Archduke Ferdinand started the war. The war ended with the allies winning. This is important because the war united many countries to take down one large threat.
    source: (World History 742-746).
  • The Death of Alexander Graham Bell

    The Death of Alexander Graham Bell
    After a long and amazing life, Alexander Graham Bell died on August 2, 1922. Bell was fighting sickness for some time but that didn't prevent him from continuing his work. He died at 2 in the morning in his home in Canada. To commemorate his death, the cellphone system was shut off for one one minute. This is important because Alexander was a generous man who helped the deaf and invent machines that almost everyone uses in modern day.
    source: (