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Alexander Graham Bell

By ihes54
  • Born

    Bell was born in Edinburgh, Scotland, on March 3, 1847.
  • Middle Name Added

    The middle name “Graham” was added when he was 10 years old.
  • Bell family moves to England.

    Bell family moves to England.
    The Bell family moved to London but Aleck, as he was called, stayed in Scotland and became a teacher of elocution and music when he was 16.
  • Experiment

    In 1866, Bell carried out a series of experiments to determine how vowel sounds are produced
  • Bell starts college and becomes sick.

    He joined his older brother Melville as a student at the University of Edinburgh. He suffered illness from exhaustion and his health kept him bedridden most of the time. His younger brother Edward was also sick with tuberculosis.
  • Older Brother Dies

    Older Brother Dies
    May 28, 1870 Older brother Melville Bell dies of tuberculosis at the age of 25.
  • Bell proves that telephones work.

    Watson happens to pluck one of the metal reeds that formed Bell's phonoautograph machine. This accidental move showed that a telephone could transmit sounds.
  • First Telephone

    First Telephone
    He invented the first working telephone in 1876.
  • Bell patents his ideas.

    Bell patents his ideas.
    Bell receives The U.S. Patent Office patent number 174,465. It allowed him to have his machine transmit sound waves telegraphically without others copying his ideas.
  • Bell gets first long-distance call.

    Bell received a long-distance voice message from a town called Brantford, about four miles away. After this major event, Bell began to demonstrate and speak about his new invention to the public.
  • Bell Telephone Company is Organized

    Bell Telephone Company is Organized
    The Bell Telephone Company was organized on July 9, 1877.
  • Married

    Bell married Mabel Hubbard of Cambridge, Massachusetts.
  • Period: to

    Organization Formed

    Aug-Sept, 1890 Bell and his supporters form the American Association to Promote the Teaching of Speech to the Deaf.
  • First transcontinental phone call

    In January 1915, Bell was invited to make the first transcontinental phone call. From New York, he spoke with his former associate Watson in San Francisco.
  • Telephone System Shut Down

    Shortly after his death, the entire telephone system was shut down for one minute in tribute to his genius.
  • Died

    Bell died peacefully on August 2, 1922, at his home in Baddeck on Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada.