Alexander Graham Bell

  • Born

    Introduction to Alexander Graham Bell Alexander Graham Bell was born in Edinburgh, Scotland. Let the journey begin!
  • Period: to

    Alexander Graham Bell

  • College

    Alexander Graham Bell studied at the University of Edinburgh and University College in London, England. There, he conducted experiments with tuning forks to produce sound. Bell had a passion to assist deaf people.
  • First Telephone Words

    First Telephone Words
    First Words On this day, Alexander Graham Bell and Thomas Watson spoke through the telephone.
  • Bell Telephone Company

    Bell Telephone Company
    Bell Telephone Company In 1877, Alexander Graham Bell created the Bell Telephone Company. This company allowed for people from various locations to communicate.
  • Other Interests

    Other Interests
    Other Interests After inventing the telephone and creating the Bell Telephone Company, Bell's interests shifted. He became extremely interested in aviation.
  • Bell's Last Day

    Bell's Last Day
    Alexander Graham Bell passed away in 1922. His inventions and interests will shape the world forever.