Theme: Appeasement
This theme was used throughout the 1930s mostly used by Hitler. It's argued that appeasement is the cause of ww2. It allowed Hitler and Nazi Germany to build up their army until they were ready for a major war. Many of Hitler's complaints appeared reasonable at the time convincing Mussolini, Daladier, and British Prime Minister Chamberlain sign the Munich Pact. This peacefully handed over Czechoslovakia to Germany. -
Pre-War: Italian Invasion of Ethiopia
This invasion spanned from October 3rd of 1935 to may of 1936. This would be the second Italo-Ethiopian war. This war was fought by the armed forces of Italy and the Ethiopian Empire. The leader of Italy Benito Mussolini invaded them due to a border incident that Ethiopia caused. Italy ended up winning the war, forming Italian East Africa -
War In Asia: Second Sino-Japanese War
This war was fought between July 7th of 1937 and September 2nd 1945. This conflict was revolved around the republic of China and the empire of Japan. The event kick started with the "Marco polo bridge incident". Japan ended up winning the war. Making china lose Qing Empire Joseon removed from the Qing Empire's vassalage Korean Peninsula transferred to Japanese sphere of influence Treaty of Shimonoseki. -
Pre-War: Munich Conference
This conference was help in Munich in the September of 1938. This conference held the leaders Hitler, Chamberlain and the prime minister of Britain. They all agreed to allow Germany to annex certain areas of Czechoslovakia. It was signed by Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy, France, and Britain. -
Themes: Strategic Bombing
This began on September 1st of 1939 when Germany invaded Poland by bombing cities and civilian populations. This strategy was used to attack the morale and economy of the desired location. Allies began using this same tactic against Germany and lead to Germanys surrender. The allies destroyed crucial German infrastructure, damaged civilian morale, and forced the German air force into losing battles. -
War In Africa: Western Desert Campaign
The campaign lasted from June 11th 1940 to February 4th 1943. This took place in the deserts of Egypt and Libya and was the main theatre in the North African. North Africa was important in ww2 because it was the only land based fight that the allies could attend. The allies ended up winning this war. Africa slowly began to revolt and take back their land due to the world wars. -
War In Pacific: Battle of Coral Sea
This very short battle lasted 4 whole days. It went from May 4th of 1942 and went on to May 8th of the same year. This naval battle fought between the Japanese Navy and naval and air forces from the United States and Australia. The battle was fought in the Pacific Theatre of ww2. The battle was important because it left Japan diminished for the Battle of Midway, which occurred a month later and which resulted in an Allied victory. -
War In Africa: Battle of El Alamein
This battle lasted from October 23rd of 1942 and lasted until November 11th of 1942. This battle was a big turning point in ww2, it took momentum from the axis powers and gave it to the allies. This was the allies first major victory and it made Germany defend their land instead of taking over new territory. There were actually 2 fights in this battle , the first didn't go too well for the allies. They were getting beaten badly so they retreated, but they ended up winning in the second battle. -
War In Pacific: Battle of Iwo Jima
This war lasted from February 19th 1945 to March 26th 1945. This major battle introduced the U.S marine corps. The U.S landed on captured island of Iwo Jima. They obtained the land from the imperial Japanese army during ww2. Even though Iwo Jima was small it had a lot of military importance. On the island there were 2 airfields that were used to attack U.S bombers. -
War In Pacific: Battle of Okinawa
The U.S and Japan fought in this battle from April 1st 1945 to June 22nd 1945. This battle codenamed Operation Iceberg, was a major battle of the Pacific War. It fought on the island of Okinawa by United States Marines and the imperial Japanese army. This is 6th most lethal wars the U.S was put in, over 14,000 Americans were killed. The Allies won the war and occupied Okinawa. Japan took Okinawa back, but there are still American bases there.