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Alex Perez- American Revolution Battles

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    American Revolution Battles

    American Revolution Battles
  • The Battles of Lexington and Concord

    The Battles of Lexington and Concord
    The first engagements of the American Revolutionary War which took place in Lexington and Concord, Massachusetts. This was the result of a lot of built up tension between the 13 colonies and the British authorities, primarily in Massachusetts.
  • The Siege of Fort Ticonderoga

    The Siege of Fort Ticonderoga
    In the morning, fewer than a hundred men in the militia lead by Ethan Allen and Benedict Arnold crossed Lake Champlain at dawn. They surprised the British troops defending Fort Ticonderoga while they were still sleeping and captured them.
  • The Battle of Chelsea Creek

    The Battle of Chelsea Creek
    This was the first naval engagement of the American Revolutionary War. It took place in Suffolk County, Massachusetts, and was only the second military engagement between Britain and the colonies. The battle ended in victory for the American colonists.
  • The Battle of Bunker (Breeds) Hill

    The Battle of Bunker (Breeds) Hill
    Took place in Charlestown, Massachusetts. The British defeated the colonies in this war, but despite the loss for the colonies, they inflicted casualties against the British, which gave them a huge confidence booster for the rest of the American Revolutionary War.
  • The Battle of Quebec

    The Battle of Quebec
    This battle was fought in Quebec City during the early stages of the American Revolutionary War. The two sides of this engagement were the American Continental Army, and the British defenders of Quebec City. This was the first significant loss for the Americans.
  • The Battle of Long Island (Brooklyn Heights)

    The Battle of Long Island (Brooklyn Heights)
    This battle took place throughout the course of three days in Long Island, New York. The victory for the British was arguably one of the more important parts of this war because they had now gained control over New York City which is important for strategy.
  • The Battle of White Plains

    The Battle of White Plains
    This battle was within the New York and New Jersey campaign of the American Revolutionary War and took place in White Plains, New York. The British took the victory over the Americans once again.
  • The Battle of Fort Washington

    The Battle of Fort Washington
    Took place in Washington Heights, Manhattan, New York. Great Britain defeated the United States army once again in this war, but this victory gained the surrender of the defense that the United States had on Fort Washington, near the end of Manhattan Island.
  • The Battle of Trenton

    The Battle of Trenton
    Was fought in the morning of December 26 in Trenton, New Jersey. Although it was one of the smaller battles, it was definitely one of the most crucial. This is because the American forces won this war, sparking hope throughout the colonies and the French.
  • The Battle of Princeton

    The Battle of Princeton
    Took place in Princeton, New Jersey. General Lord Cornwallis left 1,400 British troops under the command of Charles Mawhood, which resulted in another key victory for the American colonies troops, giving them more hope.
  • The Battle of Oriskany

    The Battle of Oriskany
    Took place in Oriskany, New York. Is said to be one of the most bloody battles in the American Revolutionary War. It ended in a victory for the Anglo-Indians, which resulted in a strategical victory for the Americans.
  • The Battle of Bennington

    The Battle of Bennington
    Was fought in Walloomsac, New York, which is located about ten miles from Bennington, Vermont, where it was named after. It was a part of the Saratoga campaign, and once again, ended in an American victory.
  • The Battle of Brandywine

    The Battle of Brandywine
    Was fought near Chadds Ford, Pennsylvania. General George Washington, and General Sir William Howe battled it out in this time period, but in the end, the British took the victory, ending the American's streak.
  • The Battle of Saratoga (Freeman's Farm)

    The Battle of Saratoga (Freeman's Farm)
    Fought in Saratoga County, New York. Was the climax of the Saratoga campaign, and it gave a decisive victory to the Americans in the American Revolutionary War.
  • The Battle of Germantown

    The Battle of Germantown
    Took place in Germantown, Pennsylvania. Was a huge engagement that was a part of the Philadelphia Campaign within the American Revolutionary War. Unlike other battles, Howe took down Washington giving the British the victory.
  • The Battle of Saratoga (Bemis Heights)

    The Battle of Saratoga (Bemis Heights)
    Also took place in Saratoga County, New York and was a part of the Saratoga Campaign. They fought at a plateau south of Saratoga known as Bemis Heights. This resulted in yet another decisive American victory.
  • The Battle of Monmouth

    The Battle of Monmouth
    Took place in Monmouth, New Jersey. George Washington and the Americans took on Sir Henry Clinton and the British. For the first time in the American Revolutionary War, this battle resulted in a draw.
  • The Capture of Savannah

    The Capture of Savannah
    Also known as the First Battle of Savannah, this battle was taken place in Savannah, Georgia. The British, led by Archibald Campbell, attempted to surpass the American defense and take over Savannah, in which they succeeded.
  • The Siege of Charleston

    The Siege of Charleston
    Took place in Charleston, South Carolina. After a bunch of losses by the British, this is the point where the British army decide to put their focus on the Southern colonies. This strategy worked at first, having Charleston surrendered to them.
  • The Battle of Camden

    The Battle of Camden
    Took place just north of Camden, South Carolina. Following the change of strategy by the British, they continued to succeed in the southern part of the colonies, gaining one of the most major British victories in the American Revolutionary War.
  • The Battle of King's Mountain

    The Battle of King's Mountain
    Was fought in Kings Mountain, South Carolina. Unlike the other battles of the American Revolutionary War, this battle was fought between patriots and loyalists, resulting in a decisive victory for the patriots.
  • The Battle of Cowpens

    The Battle of Cowpens
    Took place near Cowpens, South Carolina. This was another significant battle that was a part of the campaign in the Carolinas. However, different from the other battles in South Carolina, this was a decisive American victory.
  • The Battle of Guilford Courthouse

    The Battle of Guilford Courthouse
    Was fought in Guilford Courthouse, North Carolina, which is now in present-day Greensboro. Both sides withdrawed from this battle, leading to a British tactical victory, and an American strategical victory.
  • The Battle of Eutaw Springs

    The Battle of Eutaw Springs
    Took place near present-day Eutawville, South Carolina. This was the last major engagement throughout the American Revolutionary War that was in the Carolinas. Similar to the last battle, both sides took a victory in their own way.
  • The Battle of Yorktown

    The Battle of Yorktown
    Took place in Yorktown, Virginia. This was the last engagement of the war due to the more than decisive victory from George Washington, and the French. The capture of General Cornwallis had caused the British to want an end to the war.