
Alex Merrill 6H

  • Charles Darwin is born

  • Charles Darwin goes to Boarding school

  • Darwin goes to Edinburgh University to study medicene

  • Charles Darwin joins a scientific expedition on board the HMS Beagle

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    Galapegos expedition!

  • Charles Darwin returns from his expedition.

  • Darwin comes up with the theory of 'evolution by natural selection'.

    Darwin comes up with the theory of 'evolution by natural selection'.
    In the Galapagos Islands Darwin noticed how the same species of birds, cut off from centuries on different islands, had developed in quite different ways. This and many other amazing discoveries led him to his theory of 'evolution by natural selection'. This theory lies behind all modern ideas on how different species of living things have become to be the way they are and how they will change in the future.
  • Charles Darwin dies from a snake bite.