Alex Kaner History Timeline

  • Benito Mussolini founded Italy’s Fascist movement.

  • The communist party created the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) led by Vladimir Lenin.

  • The Nazis (led by Hitler) tried to seize power by marching on city hall in Munich, Germany.

  • Stalin began a massive effort to industrialize his country.

  • The Japanese army invaded Manchuria, a resource-rich region of northern China.

  • Hoping to avoid conflict with the United States, Emperor Hirohito’s prime minister asked Minister of War Hideki To jo to withdraw some troops from China. Here refused.

  • Hitler began to defy the treaty of versailles and he ended up announcing a military draft to greatly expand the army because of it.

  • Hitler Threatened to invade austria unless austrian nazis were given important government posts.

  • Britain and france agreed to Hitler's demands. They thought if they did it could help avoid war.

  • Japan attacks pearl Harbor

  • The USA enters WW2

  • Japanese American relocation ordered. They were relocated to Concentration camps.

  • Decoded Japanese messages alerted the united states to the Japanese attack on New Guinea

  • Bataan Peninsula surrendered.

  • Women’s Army Auxiliary Corps Established. This allows women to join the military.

  • Adolf Hitler ordered his army to capture strategic oil fields, factories, and farmlands in southern russia and Ukraine

  • USA wins battle of midway.

  • After a 12 day battle at the egyptian coastal city of El Alamein, The British secured the Suez Canal and forced Rommel to retreat.

  • Germans defeated at stalingrad.

  • Race Riots in Detroit and “zoot suit” riots in los angeles.

  • Eisenhower leads D-Day invasion.

  • Supreme Court rules in Korematsu v. United States that Japanese American relocation is constitutional.

  • U.S. Marines capture Iwo Jima.

  • Franklin Roosevelt dies in office and Harry S. Truman becomes president.

  • United States drops atomic bombs on Japan.