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Alex Hardy, Idustrial Revolution - Chapter 9

  • Jethro Tull (agriculturist)

    Helped Bring about British Agricultural Revolution.
  • James Watt

    James Watt, an inventor, built a new and improved steam engine that was faster and burned less fuel. He was funded by Boulton, an entrepreneur.
  • John Kay

    In 1733, John Kay invented the flying shuttle, an improvement to looms that enabled weavers to weave faster.
  • Capitalism

    Adam Smith, wrote The Wealth of Nations. Thomas Malthus, wrote An Essay on the Principle of Population.
  • David Ricardo,

    David Ricardo, wrote the Principles of Political Economy and Taxation.
  • Samuel Crompton

    About 1779 Samuel Crompton succeeded in producing a machine which spun yarn suitable for use in the manufacture of muslin,
  • Coalmining

  • New Harmony

    New Harmony represents one of the less successful American utopian experiments.
  • 1812

    War Of 1812
  • Manufacture of cloth

    Francis Cabot Lowell, mechanized every stage in manufacturing cloth.
  • Industrialism in Egypt

    Muhammad Ali industrialized Egypt and reformed Egypt's governement when he took over as leader.
  • The Boott Cotton Mills of Lowell Mass.

    The Boott Cotton Mills of Lowell
  • William Lloyd Garrison

    William Lloyd Garrison begins publishing The Liberator, an antislavery newspaper, in Boston, Massachusetts.
  • Factory Act of 1833

    Parliment passed an act that made it illegal to hire children under the age of 9.
  • Slavery Abolition Act 1833

    British Abolishes Slavery.

    Created Morse code
  • The Beginning of the Public Education System

    The Beginning of the Public Education System
  • Ten Hours Act of 1847

    The Factory Act of 1847 stipulated that as of July 1, 1847, women and children between the ages of 13 and 18 could work only 63 hours per week.
  • Communism

    Karl Marx created the idea of communism in his 23 page pamphlet called The Communist Manifesto.
  • Women's Rights Movement

    The Women's Rights Movement marks July 13, 1848 as its beginning.
  • American Civil War:

    American Civil War:
  • Standard Oil

    John D. Rockefeller
  • 1904

    The first successful caterpillar track is made (it later revolutionizes construction vehicles and land warfare).
  • Spartacist uprising:

    Socialist demonstrations in Berlin, Germany turn into an attempted communist revolution.