Volta is born in Como, Italy -
War of Austrian Succession - Battle of Fontenoy
First words are said 4 years after birth
Louis Antoine circumnavigates the world with first female to do so.
Publishes first paper on electricity
Was titled De vi attractiva ignis electrici -
Appointed as professor of physics at the Royal School in Como
Designs the electrophorus which produces static electricity
Discovers flamable gas while visiting a nearby swamp.
Isolates and discovers methane gas
Period: to
Appointed as Professor of Physics at the University of Pavia
Proved that frogs did not produce their own type of electricity
placed a coin in the frog's mouth and aluminum foil on its tongue, making the leg twitch. -
Marries his wife, Teresa Peregrini
Napoleon Bonaparte becomes First Consul of France
Invents the voltaic pile
Made a count by Napolon Bonaparte
Volta prize is created by Napoleon Bonaparte in honour of Volta's acheivements
Retires from science
Silent Night is composed by Franz Gruber
Volta dies in Como at 82 -
The unit of volts was named after Volta
Russo-Persian War - Russia takes Eastern Armenia