Period: to
Alessandro Volta
alasandro was born today -
volta 1769
he began to study electrricity and published his own two books of ideas. -
alasandro volta 1774
he became director of the royal school in coma -
swamp gas
Volta disscoverd a mystery gas known back then swamp gas. The gas was used to light gas lanterns. He was the first person to disscover swamp gas. -
he became professor of physics at the univercity of pavia -
alasandro volta
luigi galvani thoght that animals had their own electrcity because a frogs leg on a brass hook twitched when touched with a knife, but volta disagreed. he thought the leg twitchd because of a solution in the leg made a conection between the two metals. -
the voltic pile
alasandro volta makes the early battery or voltic pile -
alasando volta retired to his family home in como -