Alessandro S Australian Colonisation Timeline

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    The industrial revolution

    Machines started to come to existence so people had to move to the city. The cities got overpopulated and jobs were harder to get. That caused all the crime in the cities and that overpopulated the prisons which made Britain transport their convicts to Australia. Goods became cheaper in shops giving people that did work a breather.
  • Claiming of Australia

    Claiming of Australia
    Captain James Cook claimed New Holand (Australia) for Great Britain to dump all their convicts. Claiming the land for their country was like a race for all the explorers and in. Race form, Captain James Cook came 1st!
  • Captain author Philip arrived in Sydney Cove

    He was instructed to found the first colony in Australia (known as new holland). He was given Authority over the entire eastern side of Australia. The original border of Australia was made.
  • The first fleet

    The first fleet arrived at Sydney Cove in 1788 to start a new colony of free settlers and convicts. The convicts came here as punishment for all their crimes in Britainand the free settlers came here because they wanted a new life or something like that. Britain's prisons became to full for any more prisoners because so much crimes were committed for the survival of the people. Most people didn't have jobs because machines were taking over and had no choice but to steal.
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    The first borders of Australia

    Britain needed to spread its New colonies in Australia somehow so they made the borders to seperate them.
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    The gold rush

    This is an important event in Australia's history. This is when multicultural started to come to Australia with all cultures desperate to find Gold. Australia became more wealthy as things expanded throughout NSW and VIC.
  • Tasmania Seperated from NSW

    Van diemen's land (Tasmania) decided to start their own colony and became the second colony in Australia. The original border was trashed and a new one was replaced making NSW bigger.
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    The Second borders of Australia

    NSW wanted to have more land and they got what they wanted. Moving borders was as easy as buying a free iPhone 6+, they did it all like there was nothing to stop them. The Northam territory was in NSW at the time.
  • Britain claimed all of Australia

    This happened as soon as Western Australia claimed their own colony. Britain just decided that they wanted all of Australia instead of just NSW like there was nothing that could stop them.
  • The biggining of Western Australia

    This was planned to be a colony of free settlers like SA but they couldn't handle it so later they asked for convicts to help them out. Western Australia became a penal Colony.
  • Department of South Australia

    This happened 15 years before Victoria. Britain wanted this land to be based on free settlers and not to be on convicts, that why they made SA. British settlers waited on Kangaroo island until the true coordinates were settled.
  • First finding of gold

    This event caused NSW to be wealthy and a lot of multiculturalism within Australia. The gold rush is the cause of Australia being the most Multicultural country in the world!
  • Victoria's breakaway

    Victoria (the southern part of NSW) decided to make their own colony with John BATMAN as founder.
  • Queensland became official

    British settlement started in 1824 but then it became official when it was granted status in 1859
  • Overpopulation

    NSW and VIC becaame overpopulated in 1861 due to the gold rush. All other colonies were struggling whilst the other two colonies had to think of ways to get rid of all the people.
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    The third borders of Australia

    Seperate colonies had formed and they needed to be changed again. Northern Territory was in SA at the time. This was the final change and there was no changing it after.
  • Northern Territory's beginning

    Northern Territory decided to finally become a seperate colony in 1911