Alessa's life timeline

  • Alessa was born

    Alessa was born
    I was born in 2014.
  • Alessa's gets a puppy

    I was just I think about five or six and I got my first puppy for my birthday from my mom and dad.
  • Alessa's first kitten

    I was very excited because my Grandma was coming home from work and found a kitten and came home and showed me and said that I could keep it and it loved to cuddle with me a lot.
  • Alessa's Academic Awards

    Alessa's Academic Awards
    I went to an awards ceremony.
  • Alessa's First day of school

    Alessa's First day of school
    It was my first day of school and I was very very nervous to go to school.
  • My 9th birthday

    I had lots of fun with everyone me,my Grandma and Grandpa
    and all of my friends.