The birth of the poet
Источник Alexsander Sergeevich Pushkin was born on May 26, 1799 in Moskow. His family was from upper-classand he got a good education. -
Epistolary heritage
ИсточникAlexsander Pushkin the most famous works are Ruslan i Lyudmila, Kavkazskiy plennik, Tsygany, Medny vsadnik, Yevgeny Onegin, Boris Godunov, Pir vo vremya chumy, Metel, Dubrovsky, Kapitanskaya dochka and others. -
Beloved woman
ИсточникAt this time Pushkin fell in love with Goncharova Natalya and in a few years they got married. But their unit was not happy. There was gossip about Natalya’s affair with Baron Georges d’Antes. -
Источник It was a tragedy in 27 of January 1837. Pushkin challenged d’Antes to a duel where was wounded. -
ИсточникLater in two days he died.Today we can really say that his works are of genius, masterpieces.