Alec VanVelthoven-American Revolution

  • The Battle of Bunker Hill

    The Battle of Bunker Hill
    the battle of bunker hill or also known as the battle of breeds hill was a tragic war. on this day at 1 PM on 17 June, Howe led 1,500 British troops across the bay to Charleston Neck. They then began an assault, inadequately they were supported by a few British field guns and some naval gunfire. The battle of bunker hill had many effects. it convinced patriots that a regular military was not needed. the americans ended up winning the battle
    british troops hurt- 826 men
  • Battle of long island

    Battle of long island
    On August 27 the British forces attacked the ill-prepared Continental army at Brooklyn Heights, which took over the city The Americans suffered staggering losses and Washington had no choice but to order a complete evacuation of New York City after this attack.the british ended up winning the war of long island. this was the first major war of the american revolution.
  • the battle of Trenton

    the battle of Trenton
    on december 11 george washington crossed the delaware river into pensulvania to gather his army. washington went into the war with 6000 troops and 18 cannon men by his side and won the battle of trenton against the continental army. the battle of trenton was the only clear cut victory washington had during the american revolution and after the got the victory it fired them up to continue the american revolution
  • The Battle of Brandywine

    The Battle of Brandywine
    on september 11 american troops made a stand at the brandywine creek. in this battle washington used the flank attack on the continental army, the attack worked for some of the battle but in the end the continetal army ended up winning the battle withheavy casualties. they also lost valuable artillery pieces in the war
  • The Battle Of Saratoga

    The Battle Of Saratoga
    .The whole British army surrending was one of the most important events in this battle and the american revolution. The fight was between the british, germans and the americans. they both ended up surendering and the americans took victory. at the end of the war the americans had 12 to 14 thousand troops on their side.
  • The Battle of Monmouth

    The Battle of Monmouth
    the battle of monmouth was taken place in new jersey. it was between the army of British and German troops against American Continental troops and militia. in this battle noone one the battle they declared this battle as a draw between both the british and the americans.the battle consisted of 11 thousand american troops and 10 thousand british troops
  • The Capture of Savannah

    The Capture of Savannah
    this battle happeed on a thursday. the force of the british army was 3100 and the commander was Archibald Cambel. the american army was 850 and there comander was Robert Howe.
    the americand captured over 480 people and killed 83 people in the battle. the americans tried to defend savanah but failed really badly. the british after the end of the battle took over savanah and pushed the americans out. howe ended up retiring in south carolina because of all the losed men and the artiliery gone.
  • The Battle Of Cowpens

    The Battle Of Cowpens
    the battle of cowpens happened on january 17 1781 in South Carolina on the border of North Carolina in the United States of America. the genrals that fought the battle of cowpens was General Colonel Daniel Morgan against Lieutenant Colonel Banastre Tarleton.The Americans had around 1,000 men and the British around 1,100 men when they went into battle. the americans ended up winning the battle of cowpens
  • The Guiltford Courthouse Battle

    The Guiltford Courthouse Battle
    The Guiltford Courthouse battle was fought on march 15 1781
    it was one of the largest wars of all time in the american revoltion. The main comanders were Lt. General Charles and Earl Cornwallis.the sizes of the army was around 1,900 British against 4,400 Americans. At the end of the war the british defeted the americans at Guilford
  • The Battle of Yorktown

    The Battle of Yorktown
    The battle of yorktown took place in virginia. it was between the americans and french and also the british. the armys consisted of General Washington commanding the Americans and Major General Lord Cornwallis commanding the British. The sizes of the armies were 8,800 Americans, 7,800 French and 6,000 British troops.
    at the end of the war the victory went to the americans and the french soldiers. the british got defeated