'Alec de Roos' WWII Unbroken Timeline

  • Signing of the treaty of Versailles

    The signing of this treaty formally ended World War One and required Germany to pay financial reparations, disarm, lose territory, and give up all of its overseas colonies.
  • Hitler voted to power in Germany

    Sworn in by President Paul von Hindenburg as chancellor of Germany. His duties as chancellor mainly focused on integrity and structure on community relations, as well as strategy and
  • 1936 Summer Olympics ("Hitler's Olympics")

    Hitler saw the Olympics as a way to spread his antisemitic ideals, and therefore barred any Jewish athletes from entering. Lithuania also had an anti-Nazi policy that lost them their ability to participate. Held from Aug. 1st to 16th
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    German Invasion of Poland

    Beginning on September 1st, 1939, the German army began annexing Poland from all sides. By October 6th of that year, the territory had been completely annexed and was divided between the soviet union and Germany.
  • Signing of the Tripartite pact

    Italy, Germany, and Japan created a defense alliance that was designed to intimidate the U.S. from entering the second world war. Signed on September 27, 1940
  • First gas chambers at Aushwitz

    Following the ordered expansion of the camp on March 1st, 1941, the first gas chamber was built. It was tested on September 3rd, 1941 using Zyklon B gas.
  • Attack on Pearl Harbor

    Prior to the attack, the U.S. had been a completely neutral country in the conflict overseas. The Japanese launched a surprise attack on the small military base in Honolulu, Hawaii. This prompted the United States to join the war under the side of the allies.
  • The Fall of Singapore

    Singapore had been established as one of the British army's strongest fortresses. There were over 85000 allied troops there. However, the British neglected to properly defend the jungle they called "impassible" and were easily flanked and defeated by 30000 Japanese troops.
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    Japanese American Internment camps

    After the attack on Pearl Harbor, President Franklin Delanor Roosevelt passed order 9066, which was the order that sent Japanese Americans, whether they were U.S. citizens or not, to internment camps.
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    Surrendering of the Axis powers (Germany, Italy, and Japan)

    The first of the axis powers to surrender was Italy after leaders of the Italian Fascist Party deposed and arrested Benito Mussolini. The next party to surrender was Germany on May 8th and May 9th of 1945 following Hitler's suicide on April 30th. The last to surrender was Japan, which fought alone until September of the same year
  • The Battle of Iwo Jima

    The battle took place on Iwo Jima, an island controlled by the Imperial Japanese Navy. The battle took over five weeks to complete, and had one of the highest death counts of any battle in the war. The result was the U.S.'s victory. This success meant that they could use it as a naval base or air base as they attempted to storm Okinawa.
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    Expulsion of Germans from Czechoslovakia after the war

    On March 15, the country's president, Emil Hacha, was forced to sign away his country's independence. Hitler was interested in the country for economic reasons, as Germany was having a food crisis at the time. By August 2nd, expulsion plans were complete and over three million Germans were expelled by 1946
  • Atomic bombs dropped on Japan

    Five years after the attack on Pearl Harbor, the U.S. dropped two atomic bombs (Aug. 6th and 9th)on Japan in an successful attempt to make them surrender, as they were the last axis power still fighting. They surrendered less than a month later.