The birth of Albert
Albert Einstien was born in Ulm Germany with his family. -
Period: to
Begining of Alberts life
The spark of creativity
When he was a small boy his father gave him a compass and he thought to himslef that there must be an unseen force acting on it to mave the needle. -
Albert is introduced to math and science
A long time family friend gave him books on science and math and he took a great interest in it. -
Albert gradutes high school
Albert graduates from high school at the age of 17 and enrols at the ETH (the Federal Polytechnic) in Zurich. He renounces his German citizenship -
Physics degree
Einstein graduates in 1900 from ETH with a degree in physics -
His first scientific paper
He completes his first scientific paper on the capillary forces of a straw. -
Albert gets his first job
Albert takes a job at the Swiss Patent Office -
First major publication
His Special Theory of Relativity is born and he applies his theory to mass and energy and formulates the famous equation e=mc2. Einstein has four papers published in the Annalen der Physik, the leading German physics journal. 1905 is known as Einstein's "Wonderful Year". -
More relative theory
Einstein begins applying the laws of gravity to his Special Theory of Relativity. -
New job
He resigns from Patent Office and is appointed Associate Professor of theoretical physics at Zurich University -
Einstein predicts bending of light. He is appointed Professor of theoretical physics at the German University of Prague -
He completes his theory of relativiy
Einstein completes the General Theory of Relativity.
He joins the "New Fatherland League" a pacifist organisation -
Theory is published
His General Theory of Relativity is published -
A visit to the USA
Einstein visits to the U.S. and lectures at Princeton University on theory of relativity -
Nobel prize
Albert Einstein is awarded the Nobel Prize in physics for 1921 -
A new friendship
He begins to develop the foundation of quantum mechanics with Niels Bohr -
Adolf Hitler appointed Chancellor of Germany
Albert Einstein leaves Germany and emigrates to U.S. in September and settles in Princeton, New Jersey where he assumes a post at the Institute for Advanced Study. -
The warning
Albert Einstein warns President Roosevelt that Germany might build an atomic bomb. He then recommends nuclear research -
Works with the Research and Development Division of the U.S. Navy on Ammunition and Explosives -
The big boom
WW2 ends with the terrible nuclear bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki -
The big job
Einstein is appointed chairman of the Emergency Committee for Atomic Scientists -
His death
He died in Princeton Hospital at the age of 76.