Albert Einstein creates his famous theory, e=mc2
Begins applying laws of gravity to relativity theory
Is appointed Professor of theoretical physics for Zurich University
Predicts bending of light
Is appointed Professor of theoretical physics at the Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich
Works on Theory of Gravity
Einstein didn't believe gravity was a force at all; he said it was a distortion in the shape of space-time, otherwise known as "the fourth dimension" -
Finishes Theory of Relativity
Publishes Theory of Relativity
Writes first paper on cosmology
Einstein visits to the U.S. and lectures at Princeton University on theory of relativity
He begins to develop the foundation of quantum mechanics with Niels Bohr.
Einstein begins pursing his idea of a unified field theory
The Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen paradox is published
The original EPR paradox challenges the prediction of quantum mechanics that it is impossible to know both the position and the momentum of a quantum particle. This challenge can be extended to other pairs of physical properties.