Albert einstein

Albert Einstein ~ His Life & Times!

By eduk8
  • Albert Einstein was born in Ulm, Germany

    Albert Einstein was born in Ulm, Germany
  • His family moved to Munich

    His family moved to Munich
  • Albert meets & falls in love with Mileva Maric

    Albert meets & falls in love with Mileva Maric
  • He graduates with a degree in physics

    He graduates with a degree in physics
    He graduates with a degree in physics from ETH Poltechnic in Zurich.
  • Einstein marries Mileva

    Einstein marries Mileva
  • He becomes a professor of theoretical physics

    He becomes a professor of theoretical physics
    He is appointed Professor of theoretical physics at the Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich and works on his new Theory of Gravity
  • His General Theory of Relativity is published

    His General Theory of Relativity is published
  • Albert Einstein is awarded the Nobel Prize in physics for 1921

    Albert Einstein is awarded the Nobel Prize in physics for 1921
  • Albert Einstein dies in Princeton Hospital in the US

    Albert Einstein dies in Princeton Hospital in the US