Albert Einstein

  • Birth

    He was born in Ulm Wurtemburg Germany. When he was born the back of his head was huge but a few weaks later after his birth it shaped into a normal human head.
  • Childhood

    Until Albert was four he could not talk.
  • Childhood

    When he was born the back of his head was huge, his parents thought he had a desiese or something, but a few weeks later after his birth his head formed normal.
  • Picture

    This Is a picture of Albert in his Patent Office.
  • Liserl Einstein

    Liserl Einstein
    Liserl Enstein was Alberts first child.
  • Eduard Einstein

    Eduard Einstein
    Eduard Einstein was Alberts second kid which he was a boy.
  • Congradulations

    Albert recieved honorary doctorate degrees in science.
  • Period: to

    Patent office

    Albert Continued in the Patent office.
  • Quote

    ( Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind.)
  • Albert

    Albert was german.
  • United States

    United States
    Albert moved into the United States on 1933
  • Bomb

    Albert Einstein helped make the Atomic Bomb
  • World war two

    World war two
    The World War two started on September 1st 1939, It ended on September 2nd 1945. Albert helped in the war.
  • Picture of Patent Office.

    Picture of Patent Office.
  • Death

    Albert Einstein died at Princeton New Jersey. He was a very succsefull person.