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Albert eintein

Albert Einstein

  • Albert Einstein has born

    Albert Einstein has born
    Albert Einstein was born in Baviera, Germany. The next day, his parents, that were Jews, moved to Munich, where his father established as a trader in the electronic news of the time.
  • Mystery of Magnetism

    Mystery of Magnetism
    At the age of five, Albert becomes fascinated by his father's pocket compass, intrigued by invisible forces that cause the needle always to point north. Later in life, Einstein will look back at this moment as the genesis of his interest in science.
  • Einstein moves to Italy

    Einstein moves to Italy
    They were struggling financially, so the Einstein family moved to Italy to search for a better work. At the age of fifteen, Albert stays behind Munich to finish his high schooling, but soon he quits or gets kicked out of his high school and follows his parents to Italy.
  • Einstein at ETH

    Einstein at ETH
    Albert Einstein graduates from sigh school and begins attending ETH, the prestigious Swiss Polythechnic University in Zurich.
  • College graduation

    Albert Einstein graduates from ETH with a degree in physics. He tries to find a teaching job, but he is unable to obtain work.
  • Period: to

    Albert Einstein works in the theory of relativity.

    The theory of relativity includes both theory of relativity and the general relativity, formulated by Albert Einstein in the beginning of the 20th century, which pretended to solve the incompatibility between the Newtonian mechanic and electromagnetism.
  • Daughter born, put up for adoption

    Milena Maric gives birth to Leiserl Einstein, Albert's first child. The unwed couple, unable to care for the girl and perhaps ashamed of their illegitimate status, put her up for adoption.
  • Einstein marries Milena Maric

    Einstein marries Milena Maric
    Albert Einstein marries his longtime girlfriend Milena Maric
  • Birth of Hans Albert Einstein

    Birth of Hans Albert Einstein
    A year after marrying Albert, Milena gives birth to their first son, Hans Albert.
  • E=mc2

    Einstein united two principles, the conservation of energy and the mass and united them in one and concluded that in certain circumstances, mass and energy can change one to the other and vice versa. That's where his famous formula, E=mc2.
  • Einstein and gravity

    Einstein and gravity
    Einstein tries to add the gravity laws of his Special Relativity Theory.
  • Eduard Einstein

    Eduard Einstein
    Einstein's second son was born the 28th of July of the year 1910 in Berlin.
  • The Einsteins move to Prague

    The Einsteins move to Prague
    The Einstein family move to Prague, where Albert works as a professor in the German university. Einstein is the new participant of the Global Physics conference.
  • Einstein is the new headteacher of the KWI of Berlin

    Einstein is the new headteacher of the KWI of Berlin
    Einstein becomes the new headteacher of the Kaiser Wilhem Institute of Berlin.
  • Albert Einstein dies

    Albert Einstein dies
    Albert Einstein dies because of a heart attack at the age of 76 in Princeton, New Jersey, U.S.A.