Albert Einstein

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    Industrial Revolution

    from the 18th century to the 19th century, there were significant advances in technology. These advances started the use of factories where workers would come to mass produce a certain product. This event is significant because it set the stage for future inventions, gave work to the poor, and decreased the lifespan of factory workers ( staff 1).
  • Albert Einstein is born

    Alet Einstein was born March 14, 1879 in a German territory called Wuttemberg to Jewish parents. When he was an adult he proposed the General Theory of Relativity. Later, the Nazi party rose to power in Germany. These events were significant because the Nazis could send him to a concentration camp because his parents were Jewish and because they found that they could easily target him because of his theory, so he left Germany forever (Kaku 1).
  • Einstein's father shows Albert a compass

    Einstein's father shows Albert a compass
    When Albert Einstein was five years old, his father showed him a Compass. The compass wowed him because no matter what way you moved it, the pointer would always be pointing north. This event is significant because in Einstein's adult years he said that this event was why he was so interested in physics (Kaku 1).
  • Henry Ford contructs his first car

    In 1896, Henry Ford, a chief engineer for the Edison Illuminating Company, built his first "horseless carriage" which he called the Ford Quadricycle. This is what brought Ford further into the automobile industry which was still very new. Ford went on to mass produce Ford motor vehicles with his innovative and systematic way of producing cars which he called the assembly line ( staff 1).
  • Queen Victroria dies

    On January 22nd, 1901, Queen Victoria died at age 81. Queen Victoria improved infrastructure in England. She also expanded culture. During her reign, advances in industry and technology were made ( staff 1)
  • Einstein gets a job

    In 1902, after graduating from Polytechnic school, Einstein had no job and no passion to continue working with his physics. Eventually, he found a job at the Swiss patent office. The significance of this event was that it was the turning point in Einstein's life. After getting a job, he was happier in general and he was able to support a wife and family, so he married his friend from polytechnic school, Mileva Maric. (Source: McPherson 24)
  • Einstein's Miracle Year

    After his parents left him in Germany, Einstein was very lonely. He didn't like his teachers, Germany, or German schooling. Einstein was then expelled from his Gymnasium (high school). After this, Einstein moved to Milan, Italy with his parents. The significance of this event was the Einstein wanted to his citizenship and there on had a hatred for Germany (McPherson 13-16).
  • Einstein's Theory of Special Relativity.

    Einstein published his Theory of Special Relativity in 1905 in his Annus Mirabilis papers. The Theory of Special Relativity, or STR, is Einstein's theory that claims the speed of light is constant, and that the laws of physics are the same for everything in the universe. The significance of this theory is that it gave scientists a better understanding of spacetime and physics. (Isaacson (video))
  • The Great War

    In the summer of 1914, World War 1 started. It included countries like Britain, France, Ireland, Russia, and later the United States against Germany and Austria-Hungary. The Great War lasted four years. This event was significant because it was one of the deadliest conflicts ever in history with 17 million casualties and 20 million wounded or injured. ( Staff 1)
  • Einstein's Theory of General Relativity

    In 1915, Albert Einstein published his Theory of General Relativity. In this theory, Einstein explains that the effects of gravity and acceleration are equivalent. It also applies speed and direction to the special relativity. The significance of Einstein publishing these papers is that it once again gave scientists and physicists a better understanding of special relativity and physics (Isaacson 189-224).
  • Einstein is awarded the Nobel Prize

    In 1921, the Nobel Committee for Physics awarded Einstein the Nobel Prize in physics. He was awarded this prize for his contributions to physics and his law of the photoelectric effect. The significance of this event shows the immense recognition and appreciation of Albert Einsteins contributions to physics (Nobel Media 1).
  • Stock Market Crashes

    In 1929, the stock market crashed when investors rapidly traded in over 16 million shares. This made the economy plummet and made the price of the US dollar very low. This caused extreme poverty and unemployment. This event is significant because it is the longest economic recession in US history ( staff 1).
  • Stock Market Crashes

    On October 29, 1929, the stock market crashed in the united states. Wall street investors traded in 16 million shares in a single day. This caused the great depression to happen. This event is significant because it caused the longest economic recession in United States history.
  • Einstein moves to the USA

    On October 17, 1933, Einstein accepted a position at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, New Jersey. During this time, before the second world war started, many scientists in Europe fled out of Europe because of the rising Nazi power. They feared that they would be used at the Nazi's disposal. The significance of this event is that Einstein left Europe, never to return. This also marked his attempt to totally disaffiliate himself from Germany and Europe (McPherson 69).
  • The Second World War

    In the late summer of 1939, 15 years after the start of ww1, world war 2 started. It started when Germany invaded Poland. Soon after that, many European countries joined in to fight against the Nazi Germans. The US wasn't involved until Japan bombed Pearl Harbor in 1941. The allies defeated the axis powers in the end. This event is significant because over 60 million people were killed due to WW2 making it the bloodiest war in history.
  • Appointed chairman of emergency committee for atomic scientists

    In 1946, Albert Einstein was on holiday (during WW2) and he heard about the two atomic bombs that were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan. He was scared about future use of the atomic bomb, so he joined the emergency committee for atomic scientists as chairman. This committee wanted to prevent the further use of atomic bombs. This event is significant because it showed that Albert Einstein wanted to stop the destructive use of nuclear energy and use it for good (ECAS 1).
  • Albert Einsteins dies

    On April 18th, 1955, Albert Einstein died in a hospital in Princeton. Before he died, he scribbled down twelve pages of messy equations. He spoke his last words in German but they were lost because the nurse that was treating him didn't speak English. The significance of this event is that Albert Einstein left behind his great contribution to science, a better understanding of physics, his brain, and a better future (McPherson 87).