Albert Einstein

  • Birth

    Albert Einstein is bron in Ulm, Germany Picture Citation:
    "Albert Einstein." Quotivee. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Feb. 2015
  • Theory of Relativity

    The year Einstein began to publish and work on hisTheory of Relativity (Theory of Relativity). This theory was one of Einstein's greatest achievments in his life and still has a impact on modern physics today. He later had his book on the theory of relativity published.
  • Nobel Prize

    Albert Einstein won the nobel prize for physics(sherrow).
  • Einstein Ammused by Attack on Him

    Einstein is attacked by the Woman Patriot Corporation and is ammused by their idea of baring him from the United States as a communist. Einstein said that he has never seen such an energetic display of hatred from so many women, as he has been approached by one maybe two in the past but never in a quantaty that large (Eistein).
  • Chosen to Write an Annals of Mathematics

    Einstein along with other mathematic professors were chosen to write an annals of mathematics (Institute). To be chosen to write this is an honor, because you get to pass on what you have learned for future generations.
  • Away From Germany

    Einstein and his wife move to the United States to get feel safe and secure from the Nazi party rising to power in Germany(Sherrow).
  • Death

    Albert Einstein passed away due to internal bleeding.