Albert einstein

Albert Einstein

  • The birth of Albert Einstein

    The birth of Albert Einstein
    Albert Einstein birth in 1879 in the city of Ulm (Germany).
    His father is Hermann Einstein, and her mother is Pauline Koch
  • His Religion

    His Religion
    Albert Einstein was pantheistic(but he was jewish too), when he was young he said somethings that you think he is pantheistic, inasmuch as he said the God is all: the world the natural law, existence and the universe (everything that was, is and will be).
  • Capillary Attraction

    Capillary Attraction
    This was one of the firts works of Albert Einstein, he publicated in 1901.
  • His wife

    His wife
    In 1903 Albert Einstein got marry with mileva marić, this marry has 16 years because in the year 1919 Albert got divorsed.
  • Special Relativity

    Special Relativity
    Don´t confuse it with the general relativity, this work was publicated in 1905 the work says E=mc2
  • Brownian Movement

    Brownian Movement
    In this work in 1905 Albert Einstein explain thermal movement of the individual atoms that form a fluid.(this name is because the firts one to took about this was Robert Brown.
  • Work of special relativity

    Work of special relativity
    This is one of the most important work of Albert Einstein, he public his work between the years 1915 and 1916, this work was a extension of the work of 1905
  • The Mathematics

    The Mathematics
    Albert Einstein have some important works in mathematics too, one is the indexed notation for summations in algebra
  • Curvature of the Light

    Curvature of the Light
    In this work Albert Einstein study about the curvature of the light, he have to wait to a solar eclipse to saw his work was right
  • Nobel Award

    Nobel Award
    In 1922 Albert Einstein won a Nobel Award with his work in 1921 of the law of the photoelectric effect.
  • Move to U.S

    Move to U.S
    Albert Einstein moved to U.S in 1932 two yars before the nazis conquer Germany, Albert Einstein was pantheistic and jewish too.
  • The President

    The President
    In the year 1952, Chaim Weizmann, a friend of Albert Einstein(the president of Israel) died, the ambassador of U.S said to Albert if he wants to be the president of Israel but Albert said no.
  • His death

    His death
    Albert Einstein death in U.S in New Jersey in the year 1955.
  • The Medall

    The Medall
    The UNESCO did a medal of Albert Einstein because the centenary of his birth, this medal give for all the physics UNESCO awards.
  • The century of relativity special

    The century of relativity special
    In the year 2005 the world celebrate the century of his work of the special relativity, this work was one of the bases of the physics