
Albert Einstein

  • Date of birth

    Date of birth
    Ulm, Germany
  • Moves to Munich

    Moves to Munich
    The Einstein family moves to Munich
  • A compass.

    A compass.
    Einstein wins his first scientific instrument: a compass.
  • University

    Einstein manages to enter the ETH in Zurich, a renowned University of the time. He was 17 years old.
  • Mileva Maric

    Mileva Maric
    Albert falls in love with Mileva Maric, a Hungarian classmate.
  • Swiss citizen and teacher.

    Swiss citizen and teacher.
    Einstein finishes college, becomes a Swiss citizen. Unemployed, looking for work. He gets a job in Schaffhasen, Sweden, as a teacher.
  • Hungary

    Mileva, a pregnant woman, moves to Hungary, where she gives birth to Bern, today Lieserl, which is given for adoption. Albert moves to Bern, where he gets a job at the Swiss Patent Office. Einstein's father dies.
  • First child

    First child
    Albert marries with Mileva Hans Albert is born, the couple's first child.
  • The first theory

    The first theory
    Einstein tries to apply the laws of gravity to his Special Theory of Relativity.
  • Eduard Einstein and the Physics Conference

    Eduard Einstein and the Physics Conference
    Another son is born: Eduard Einstein. The family moves to Prague, where Albert works as a full professor at German University. Einstein is the newest participant of the first world physics conference.
  • Divorce

    Einstein becomes the director of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute in Berlin and is professor of theoretical physics at the University of Berlin. He and Mileva begin the divorce process.
  • Elsa

    Einstein gets very sick, almost dies. Her cousin, Elsa, helps him, as a nurse, until her cure. Albert publishes his first article in cosmology.
  • Theory of Relativity

    Theory of Relativity
    Albert marries Elsa. On May 29, an eclipse of the Sun proves that Einstein's General Theory of Relativity was correct.
  • Prize

    Receives the Nobel Prize of Physics of 1921.
  • EUA

    Albert and Elsa move to the United States in Princeton, New Jersey. He takes a position at the Institute for Advanced Study.
  • Elsa

    Elsa dies suddenly.
  • Letter

    World War II begins: Einstein writes his famous letter to President Franklin D. Roosevelt warning of the possibility of Germany building the nuclear bomb.
  • Einstein Die

    Einstein Die
    Albert Einstein, on April 16, dies of a heart attack.