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Albert Einstein

  • I invent the E = MC

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    Albert Einstein

    He was born on March 14, 1875 in Ulm, Germany and died on 18 of 1955 in the United States.
  • The gyrocompass

    When he graduated as a physicist at the Polytechnic School of Zurich, Einstein could barely get a modest job in the patent office of Bern,
  • University

    Estudy at the univesity of Zúric
  • The digital cameras

    The Nobel Prize in Physics for his explanation of the photoelectric effect, developed in an article of 1905. There he proposed that light presents a behavior of both waves -according to classical physical theory- and particles (which would later be called photons).
  • The microchip

    The miraculous year of Einstein. Thus it is known 1905, the year in which he published four extraordinary articles that revolutionized physics. Two of them were dedicated to the Special Theory of Relativity
  • Nobel prize for physics

  • he married his wife

  • the 1st time he visit New york

  • The fridge

    The Hungarian physicist and inventor Leó Szilárd made notable contributions to science, among them, the idea of ​​the nuclear reactor. Einstein student in Berlin
  • TV

    The basic operation of the television would not be possible without Einstein's explanation of the photoelectric effect. The Argentine physicist Juan Pablo Paz
  • The nuclear energy

    Nuclear fission (that is, division of the nucleus of the atom) was achieved in 1938. It is what allowed, a few years later, the atomic bomb.
  • The laser beam

    The laser beam In 1953, as a consequence of some ideas that Einstein (1879-1955) had manifested in 1917, the development of the maser was achieved,
  • Microwave

    In 1953, as a result of some ideas that Albert Einstein had manifested in 1917, the development of the maser was achieved, a device that does the same as the laser (which appeared on the scene later)
  • The GPS

    In April 2015, the navigation device known as Global Positioning System (GPS) turned 20 years old. Developed by the Department of Defense of the United States