
Albert Einstein

  • Early life

    Early life
    Born on March 14, 1879 in Ulm, Württemberg, Germany. His birth parents, Herman and Pauleen Einstein, raised him for about a year before moving to Munich. Later in 1881, his firt sister, Maria, is born. At the age of five he is turned on to science from his intrest in his fathers compass. He wondered what the invisible force moving the needle was
  • Discovering a Path

    Discovering a Path
    Meets 21 year old student, Max Talmud. Max introduced him to key science and philosophy texts. Religious instruction was taught at school until 1892. Einstein is technachly not a member of the Jewish community
  • Schooling

    Due to financial reasons, the Einstein family moves from Munich to Pavia, Italy. Albert is left in Munich to finish his studies but soon decides to follow the family to Italy. He is then sent to the Swiss town of Aarau to finish high school.
  • Graduation

    Albert graduates from high school at the age of 17 and enrols at the ETH in Zurich before renouncing his citizenship with Germany. Albert then meets and falls in love with Mileva Maric, a Hungarian classmate at the ETH. Einstein graduates in 1900 with a degree in physics then gains Swiss citizenship. Mileva becomes pregnant and moves to live with her parents
  • Marriage

    Einstein and Mileva have their first daughter, Lieserl, who is later given up for adoption. Albert takes a job at the Swiss Patent Office before marrying Mileva. Afterwords, on May 14, 1904 Albert and Mileva's first son, Hans Albert Einstein, was born in Berne, Switzerland.
  • "Wonder Year"

    "Wonder Year"
    Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity is born and he applies his theory to mass and energy and formulates the famous equation e=mc2. Einstein has four papers published in the leading German physics journal. 1905 is known as Einstein's "Wonderful Year". Einstein also begins applying the laws of gravity to his Special Theory of Relativity.
  • Early Abulthood

    Early Abulthood
    Albert becomes an associate proffessor at the University of Bern. After four, long years, he has quit his job at the patent office and is appointed to a proffessor at Bern. He spend much orf his time researching the bending of light and his theories on gravity.
  • Getting Involved

    Getting Involved
    Becomes director of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute in Berlin and professor of theoretical physics at the University of Berlin. Maric and the children move there in April, but they return to Zurich after three months. Divorce proceedings begin. In August, World War I begins
  • Contributions

    Albert and Mileva are separated and now live apart. Einstein signs the anti-war, "Manifesto to Europeans". He then completes the General Theory of Relativity. He joins the "New Fatherland League" a pacifist organisation in Germany. His General Theory of Relativity is finnaly publshed.
  • Remarriage

    Einstein falls seriously ill and is nursed by his cousin, Elsa Einstein Loewenthal. On February 14, Einstein and Mileva divorce and Einstein then marries his cousin Elsa on May 29.
    A solar eclipse proves Einstein's General Theory of Relativity. Einstein visits to the U.S. and lectures at Princeton University on his theory.
  • Quantum Mechanics

    Quantum Mechanics
    He begins to develop the foundation of quantum mechanics with Niels Bohr. He becomes ill and enlargement of his heart is diagnosed. Adolf Hitler appointed dictator of Germany, soon before Albert leaves Germany and emigrates to U.S. in September and settles in Princeton, New Jersey where he assumes a post at the Institute for Advanced Study.
  • Bigger Plans

    Bigger Plans
    "The World As We Know It" is published along with "The Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen paradox". Shorly after, in 1936, Elsa Einstein dies. World War 2 starts and Albert Einstein warns President Roosevelt that Germany might build an atomic bomb. He then recommends nuclear Research.
  • Big Changes

    Big Changes
    Einstein becomes a citizen of the United States but also retains his Swiss citizenship. He works with the research and development of explosives and ammunition and elplosives. WW2 ends with the terrible nuclear bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
  • After the Wars

    After the Wars
    Einstein is appointed chairman of the Emergency Committee for Atomic Scientists. He works on behalf of the cause for disarmament. Past wife Mileva passes away.
  • A Life Well Lived

    A Life Well Lived
    Albert Einstein is offered presidency of the State of Israel. Einstein Co-signs the Russel-EinsteinManifest warning of the potential nuclear bomb threat.
    April 17: Albert Einstein experienced internal bleeding
    April 18: He died in Princeton Hospital at the age of 76
    Albert Einstein has been an inspiration in his time, and to those that live today.