Bering and his assistant finally discover Alaska for the Europeans
Jult 15th Alexei Chirikof, Bering's assistant, sights mainland Alaska but does not make landing. -
Aleuts try to repel Russian "invaders"
Aleuts try to repel Russian "invaders" in Unalaska, Umnak, and Unimak. Russia responded by destroying the villages of Unalaska and Umnak. -
Captain James Cook
While looking for the elusive Northwest Passage, British Explorer Captain James Cook explored the waterway that downtown Anchorage now borders, Cook Inlet. He also reaches King Island, Norton Sound, and Unalaska. -
Grigorii Shelikov
Grigorii Shelikov establishes first white settlement at Three Saints Bay, Kodiak. -
Alexander Baranov
Alexander Baranov establishes Russian post known today as Old Sitka; trade charter grants exclusive trading rights to the Russian American Company. -
The Dena'ina population is decimated by smallpox -
Russian explorer-trappers find oil seeps in Cook Inlet. -
Coal mining begings at Coal Harbor on the Kenai Peninsula. -
Gold discovered on Stikine River near Telegraph Creek. -
sale of Alaska
the "sale" of Alaska by Russia to the United States 7.2 million dollars - which rightfully belonged to neither. Treaty of purchase was signed by American Secretary of State William H. Seward and Russian envoy Eduard de Stoeckl