Original northern lights aurora borealis alaska

Alaska History

  • Tsar Peter commissioned naval expedition

    Tsar Peter commissioned a naval expedition to explore Pacific waters north and east of Kamchatka. It would inaugurate the Alaskan fur trade.
  • Vitus Bering set sail

    Bering's voyage laid the basis for Russian claims to Alaska and opened the Russian-Alaskan fur trade.
  • the first Russian settlement in Alaska was established on Kodiak Island at Three Saints Bay

  • St. Paul Harbor Founded

    Founded on Alaska's Kodiak Island
  • New Archangel Founded

    New Archangel ( now known as Sitka) founded
  • John Veniaminov arrived in Sitka, AK

    John Veniaminov opened a bilinguel school in which both Russian and Aluet were taught.
  • United States Purchases Alaska from Russia

  • United States buys Alaska from Russia

    United States buys Alaska for $7.2 million, about 2 cents per acre.
  • Alaska Commercial Company won bid for Pribilof breeding grounds

    Alaska Commercial Company won bid for Pribilof breeding grounds for a sealing monopoly to halt the decline of the seals.
  • Sheldon Jackson Arrives in Alaska

  • Alaska tourism began with a Pacific Steamship Co. cruise to Glacier Bay

  • First Organic Act passed

    The act provided for a district governor appointed by the president. It created a foundation of civil law and also provided for public education.
  • Sheldon Jackson named First District General Agent of Education

    Jackson worked to bring schools to all parts of Alaska while trying to protect young Natives within the law and to prepare them for modern times through education.
  • Klondike Gold Rush

  • Eagle Town established

  • Tanana River Gold Strike

    Leads to the founding of Fairbanks
  • Juneau established as Alaska's capital

    Juneau prospered, and was established as Alaska's capital in 1906 when the government was transferred from Sitka. It's the only state capital which borders a foreign country.
  • Native Allotment Act

    Natives can now get land under the restricted title.
  • Alaska Native Brotherhood was founded

    ANB was founded in Juneau by Tlingit and Tsimshian leaders
  • All Native Americans were granted full citizenship rights

  • Tongass Timber Act Passed

  • Alaska Statehood

  • Good Friday Earthquake

    An 8.6 earthquake hit in Valdez lasting for 4 minutes. It is the largest recorded earthquake in North America causing fires, tsunamis and land damage.
  • Oil Discovery in Prudhoe Bay

    Oil discovered in Prudhoe Bay. This remains one of the largest oil fields in North America.
  • Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act

    Natives fight from having their land being sold and taken away from them. Natives win the case and awarded 44 million acres of land and $1 billion. The government also agreest o have 1/3 of the state's land set aside only for national forests.
  • Alaska Permanent Fund

    Created to ensure long term benefits from oil revenues
  • Exxon Valdez Oil Spill

    Exxon Valdez oil tanker spilled 11 million gallons of oil into the Prince William Sound, which 2 days later began spreading along 1300 miles of shoreline.