Russia comes to the Americas
Peter the Great commissioned Vitus Bering to explore Alaska. -
Fur Seal
The first scientific report on the North Pacific fur seal -
Sea Otter Hunting
Russia concentrates on harvesting sea otter -
Spain comes to Alaska
Spanish explorer Juan Perez discovers Prince of Wales Island, Dixon Sound. -
First Permanent Russian Settlement
.Grigory Shelikhov, a Russian fur trader foundedThree Saints Bay on Kodiak Island with his wife and 200 Men -
Monopoly of Furs
Catherine II grants a monopoly of furs in Alaska to Grigorii Shelikov -
Russian Orthodox Church established in Kodiak
First Russian Governor
Aleksandr Baranov was the Governor in Sitka when the Russians were colonizing in the Americas -
Russian American Company trading
Alexander Baranov establishes Russian post in todays Old Sitka and grants exclusive trading rights to the Russian American Company -
Period: to
Alaska Alive 2017
alaska education timeline -
Tlinglits Revott
Russian for at Old Sitka destroyed by the Tlinglits -
Father Ivan (Popov) Venlaminov comes to Alaska
At the beginning of 1823, Bishop Michael sent Father Ioann Veniaminov to the island of Unalaska in the Aleutian Islands of Alaska. After a difficult yearlong journey by land and water, they arrived at Unalaska on July 29, 1824. After Father Ioann built an earthen hut, he set about studying the local languages and with them he undertook the construction of a church, Father Ioann's parish included the island of Unalaska and the neighboring groups of Fox and Pribilof islands -
A River Runs Through It
1824 Russina exploration leads to the discovery of the Yukon, Kuskokwim, Koyukuk and Nushagak Rivers -
Russian Orthodox Diocese formed
Bishop Innokenty Veniaminov is given permission to use Native languages in the liturgy. -
First Mission School for Eskimos Opens
The school was established at Nushagak by the Russian-Greek Orthodox Church. -
Oil Discovered in Cook Inlet
Russian fur trappers find oil seeping in Cook Inlet -
Coal on the Kenai
Coal mining begins at Coal Harbor -
De Stoeckl puts up for sale sign
De Stoeckl given authority to negotiate the sale of Alaska to the United States -
Second Mission School Opens
The school opened at Kwikpak. -
Gold is discovered on the Stikine River near Telegraph Creek -
Western Union
WUTC prepares a telegraph line across Alaska and Siberia -
US buys Alaska from Russia
Penny for your Thoughts - Russia sells Alaska
Russian sells Alaska to US for 2 cents per acre or $7.2 Million. US Secretary of State William Seward negotiated the deal. The American people did not see the value in the purchase and as such they dubbed the purchase "Seward's Folly." -
Purchase of Alaska
The United States purchases Alaska from Russia for two cents per acre or a total of $72M. -
First Appropriation of Funds
The funds were appropriated but never disbursed as there was no agency to oversee the disbursement -
Read All About It - Sitka Times
The Sitka Times, the first newspaper in Alaska is published -
More Gold
Gold is discovered in Windham Bay -
First School in Alaska Opens
The first school in Alaska was opened by the Russian's in Three Saints Bay in Kodiak, AK -
Sheldon Jackson named Superintendent of Education for Alaska
appointed by US Government to set up free schools. Jackson came to Alaska as a Presbyterian missionary. He forbid the use of Native Language and set an English only policy punishing natives for speaking native languages. He worked with President Benjamin Harrison to pass the Organic Act of 1884 to secure funding for education in Alaska. He was charged with disbursement of appropriated federal $. He founded many schools and training centers of Natives. Sheldon Jackson Museum is in Sitka Alaska. -
The first canneries opened in Sitka and Kiawock -
Native Children are required to attend school in Sitka
Henry Glass takes attendance and fines parents whose children are not attending school for a legitimate reason -
Herring & Tlinglit
The first commercial fishing for herring begins at Killsnoo.
US Navy bombs and burns Tlingit village of Angoon -
The First Organic Act of Alaska 1884
In 1884, the government passed the Organic Act which allowed for Alaska to become a judicial district as well as a civil one, with judges, clerks, marshals, and limited government officials. This act provided funding for education of Alaskan Natives.The Act delegated responsibility for providing schooling "for children of all races" to the Office of the Secretary of the Department of Interior. -
Alaska Education Westernization begins
Rev. Sheldon Jackson, Presbyterian missionary and since 1885 general agent for education in Alaska, first visited Alaska in August, 1877, in the interest of schools and missions. He made a second trip on the same errand in 1879. Other visits followed, and since his government appointment in 1885 he has made annual visits to the Territory, traveling extensively in various parts on inspecting tours. Reports on this work are published annually in the Report of the Commissioner of Education. -
Reindeer Games
Dr. C. H. Townsend suggest introduction of reindeer into Alaska as a supplemental food source. -
School in Kotzebue
The Society of Friends opened a school in Kotzebue, AK. -
Father William Duncan
and his Tsimshian followers founded Metlakatia on Annette Island -
US Department of the Interior takes over education in Alaska
This change led to the Bureau of Indian Affairs to run the programs until 1986. -
Course of Study Mandated
The Board of Education for Alaska was directed to establish a course of study for all government funded schools. -
Reindeer Husbandry
Dr. Sheldon Jackson brings reindeer husbandry to Alaska. -
Mission Schools lose funding
The Federal Bureau of Education ceased funding for mission schools. They also took over most of the mission schools throughout the state. -
Circle City
Circle City was founded after gold was discovered at Mastadon Creek -
Klondike gold Rush
Skagway, Trains and Nome
Skagway is the largest city in Alaska
Work begins on the White Pass and Yukon Railroad
Nome gold rush begins -
Local School Boards Established
Local communities were given authorization to establish a locally based school board to serve local schools. -
Dividing the state
Alaska is divided into three judicial districts: Sitka, Eagle adn St. Michael. State capital is moved to Juneau. -
Nome Establishes School Board
Speak softly and Carry a big Stick
President Theodore Roosevelt establishes Tongass National Forest
E.T. Barnette and local miners name their settlement Fairbanks -
Border Wars
The border separating Alaska from Canada has been settled. -
Last of the Tlinglit Potlatches
Last great Tlingit potlatch held in Sitka. -
The Nelson Act of 1905
The Nelson Act - In 1905 Congress passed the Nelson Act which established a separate system of education for Alaska Natives, giving the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) nearly exclusive control over Alaska Native education until well after Alaska Statehood. This act segregated schools
CHAP. 277.—An Act To provide for the construction and maintenance of roads, the establishment and maintenance of schools, and the care and support of insane persons in the district of Alaska, and for other purposes. -
Cugach National Forest
it is the largest US forest created by presidential proclamation -
Teacher's Conference
The first teacher's conference was held in Juneau. -
Course of Study established
The Alaska School Service established the first course of study for Alaskan Schools. -
Sea Otters protected
Sea Otters were placed under complete protection -
Gov't enters Railroad business
Congress authorizes construction fo the Alaska Railroad. This lead to the development of the construction campsite into the City of Anchorage. -
Anchorage develops and keeps name
The "Great Anchoage Lot Sale," land auction held and voter choose Alaska City as new name but government keeps Anchorage. -
Boarding School Established
The first boarding school was established at White Mountain. It was later re-named "industrial School" as it provided industrial skill training. -
Anchorage School District established
Leopold David
Anchorage's first Mayor -
Alaska Agricultural College adn School of Mines opens
Alaska Railroad Completed
President Warren G. Harding puts in final golden spike to signify the completion of the railroad. -
Natives to attend school
Court case allows Native children to attend public school -
Control of Education shifts
Control of education among the Natives of Alaska was transferred to the Office of Indian Affairs. It became known as the Alaska Indian Service. -
Wrangell Boarding School Opens
The Wrangell Institute Boarding School established. -
Radio communications established in Juneau Ketchikan, and Nome. -
Johnson-O'Malley Act
This act led to the beginning of negotiations between the Alaska Territorial Department of Education and the Bureau of Indian Affairs for the transfer of federally-operated rural BIA elementary schools to the territory. -
Boarding Schools take over for day schools
BIA takes over education through the development of boarding schools. -
The Jurisdictional Act of June, 1935
Tlingit and Haida Indians to pursue land claims in the US court of Claims. -
Military brings growth to Anchorage
the development of Fort Richardson and Elmendorf Air Force Base initiate Anchorage's rapid development -
WWII reaches US soil
The Japanese attacked Attu Island. The only land battle of WW II on US soil. -
bye bye Gold hello Oil and Gas
Alaska-Juneau Gold Mine shuts down for oil and gas exploration -
Mt. Edgecumbe Boarding School Opens
Oil drilling
Modern oil history begins with an Oil Well drilled near Eureka. -
Adult Education
Funding for Adult Education Programs was established. -
Alaska Achieves Statehood
this led to a reduction and eventual elimination of segregated native schools and the two school system with BIA schools. -
Statehood proclaimed
State constitution in effek
US Court of Claims issues judgment favoring Tlingit and Haida claims -
Alaska Becomes a State
Statehood granted -
1st Secondary School
The first BIA secondary school program began as a 9th grade class was established in Unalakleet. -
Arctic National Wildlife Refuge Established
Beltz School and Special Education
William E. Beltz School opens as first State-operated regional boarding high school. Special education program introduced at Hooper Bay. -
Alaska Federation of Natives organized
Kindergarten programs established
North Slope Oil Lease brings $900M
Pre-School programs established
Pre-School programming for 2 and 3 year olds begins. -
Trans-Alaska Pipeline Authorization Act
Permanent Fund Funding
Alaska Permanent Fund to receive at least 25% of all state oil revenue. -
Alaska National Interests Lands Conservation Act
AST established
Alaska Standard Time created to include all of Alaska except exteme western Aleutian Islands. -
Kasayulie v State of Alaska
Ruling found that Alaska failed to provide adequate school facilities. -
FTC approves BP's purchase of ARCO
Recognizing Alaska Native Tribes
Tony Knowles the Governor of Alaska signed an administrative order directing state agencies and officials to "recognize and respect" the 227 federally recognized tribal governments in Alaska. -
Melting Away
State study shows glaciers are melting at a higher rate. -
Exxon to pay for 1989 Valdez oil spill -
Sarah Palin
1st Woman Governor -
Alaska Dispatch Begins Publication
Alaska celebrates 50 years of statehood. -
Rampart School Re-Opens
The Rampart Village Council was able to recruit people to come back to their village and re-open the school after being closed for 15 years. -
Rampart Village Council Petitions to leave YFSD
The Rampart Village Council, unhappy with the conditions of the school, petitioned the State of Alaska to leave Yukon Flats School District. In August, Rampart School was picked up by Yukon Koyukuk School District. YKSD has moved forward for legislative action to adopt Rampart into the district as a full member.