26,000 BCE
AK forms fist Glaciation
20,000 BCE
First Alaskans
Russians initiate contact with AK
Bering and Chirikov Exploration
Juan Perez discovered Prince of Wales Island, Dixon Sound
Captain Cook Explores Alaskan Coastline
Russian explorers found oil in Cook Inlet
Russia Sells AK Territory to US
Sitka Times, first Alaskan newspaper, published
Sheldon Jackson extended Christian vision to Alaska
Canning Salmon Popularizes
First Organic Act brings civil Govt. to AK for the first time
Public education -
AK establishes borders Anglo Russian Treaty
Liquor Licensing system
Juneau Established as Capital
Chugach and Tongass Established as National Parks
AK becomes US territory
Mt. Katmai exploded, created Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes
13-year old Benny Benson won contest for design of Alaska flag
Women get to vote
Mt McKinley NP established
Fort Richardson and Elmendorf Air Force Base established
AK highway completed
Constitution of AK approved
AK Becomes 49th State
PFD Established
Good Friday earthquake occurred, property damage over $500 million; town of Valdez completely destroyed
Oil found at Prudhoe Bay
Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act
Personal State Tax reformed
Time zone AK standard
Quality Schools Initiative
Exxon Valdez Oil Spill
Federal judge ordered Exxon to pay $6.75 billion for 1989 oil spill
Republican Presidential nominee, John McCain, chose Governor Sarah Palin as VP running mate