Alana Birthday
july 14th 2001 Alana was born. She had no older siblings, she was an only child -
Colleen was born
october 11th 2003 my sister colleen was born. there is 2 years apart. -
Holly was born
My little sister holly was born june 4th 2005. 4 years difference. -
september 9th 2006 was my first day of kindergarden. i remember i was scared. i was 5 years old. -
in 2007 i got stitches. i sliped on a hard wood floor. -
in 2008 i was 7 and got my first cell phone -
My sister Lauren was born
aug. 2nd 2010 my sister lauren was born. there is 9 years apart -
I met Nicole
september 23rd 2011 i met Nicole Caruso. She is like a sister to me. she was the first person that i met out of all my friends. -
hershy park
july 28th 2012 i went to heshy park for the first time. the ride was long and boring but it was fun when we got there -
Middle School
september 4th 2012 i started middle school. i was in 6th grade at E-T-Richardson Middle School -
doney park
aug. 11th i went to doney park for the first time. my family and i stayed in a hotel over night. -
i started 7th grade
i started 7th grade.