Alan Turing

  • Alan M. Turing born in London

    Alan M. Turing born in London
  • Interest in Albert Einstein and Questioning of Newton's Laws of Motion

    Interest in Albert Einstein and Questioning of Newton's Laws of Motion
  • Studies Mathematics at King's College, Cambridge

    Studies Mathematics at King's College, Cambridge
  • Turing proves the central limit theorem in his dissertation at age 22

    Turing proves the central limit theorem in his dissertation at age 22
  • Publishes paper on Computable Numbers and an Application to the Entscheidungsproblem

    Publishes paper on Computable Numbers and an Application to the Entscheidungsproblem
  • Turing studied at Princeton under Alonzo Church. There he studied cryptology and mathematics

    Turing studied at Princeton under Alonzo Church. There he studied cryptology and mathematics
  • Turing worked part-time at the Government Code and Cypher School

    Turing worked part-time at the Government Code and Cypher School
  • Works with Gordon Welchman to develop the Bombe

    Works with Gordon Welchman to develop the Bombe
  • Broke the German Naval Enigma System

    Broke the German Naval Enigma System
  • Sent to the US as part of an intelligence collaboration

    Sent to the US as part of an intelligence collaboration
  • Began the creation of an electronic digital stored-program computing machine

    Began the creation of an electronic digital stored-program computing machine
  • Became the Deputy Director of Computing Laboratory at Manchester University

    Became the Deputy Director of Computing Laboratory at Manchester University
  • Turing played a game of chess which he simulated a computer

    Turing played a game of chess which he simulated a computer
  • The Turing Test was created after trying to explore the problem with AI

    The Turing Test was created after trying to explore the problem with AI
  • During dies by suicide

    During dies by suicide