Alan Kotok Timeline

By bdepsky
  • Kotok was born on November 9, 1941 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

    Kotok was born on November 9, 1941 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
    Alan Kotok was born on November 9, 1941 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. In his early years, he would play with tools, and build model railroads.
  • Alan Kotok begins a degree in Electrical Engineering at MIT

    Alan Kotok begins a degree in Electrical Engineering at MIT
    Alan Kotok starts at the Massachusets Insitiute of Technology studying Electrical Engineering. which would eventually turn into a larger degree.
  • Kotok Joins the Tech Model Railroad Club

    Kotok Joins the Tech Model Railroad Club
    Alan Kotok joins the TMRC after having a passion for building model railroads. He sparked interest in the complicated relay system that the TMRC used. This would turn out to be a major group in Alan's life.
  • Kotok gets hands on with the TX0 computer

    Kotok gets hands on with the TX0 computer
    In the Fall of 1958, Kotok had a chance to work with the TX0 computer which was the first transistorized computer. This computer started the spark in Alan and got the ball rolling for him in the computing world.
  • Kotok plays a key role in the creation of the first Chess program.

    Kotok plays a key role in the creation of the first Chess program.
    When Kotok joined the TMRC, he helped a few classmates create the first chess program that by the time they finished was able to play chess at a relativity high level.
  • T-Square is developed by Kotok and Samson

    T-Square is developed by Kotok and Samson
    Kotok and Samson write T-Square which is an early drafting program used in Spacewar. This was a key development in the creation of Spacewar, but it also jump started video games.
  • Kotok helps develop Spacewar.

    Kotok helps develop Spacewar.
    In 1962, Alan Kotok, along with the other TMRC members created Spacewar. on the PDP-1 computer.
  • Kotok begins helping with the PDP-4 before contributing to the PDP-5

    Kotok begins helping with the PDP-4 before contributing to the PDP-5
    Kotok was a key piece in writing a complier for the PDP-4 and the PDP-5. This work would eventually lead him to work on the PDP-6 and help him work on other things related to the PDP machines.
  • Kotok finishes his Bachelors degree and begins work.

    Kotok finishes his Bachelors degree and begins work.
    Alan finishes his degree in Electrical Engineering and he eventually begins at Digital Equipment Corporation where he would go on to create a lot of impractical pieces in history.
  • Kotok contributed to the PDP-6

    Kotok contributed to the PDP-6
    Kotok contributed the the PDP-6 as an assistant logic designer. The PDP-6 was the first commercial time sharing computer. Which would be delivered in 1964
  • Kotok becomes the principal architect for the PDP-10

    Kotok becomes the principal architect for the PDP-10
    Alan became the design lead on the PDP-10 as well as the other versions of the PDP-10. This was possible because of Kotok and his experience with PDP machine prior.
  • Kotok teaches Logic Design classes at University

    Kotok teaches Logic Design classes at University
    Alan started teaching classes at University of California, Berkeley. He taught logic design briefly.
  • Kotok earns his masters degree in business administration.

    Kotok earns his masters degree in business administration.
    Alan receives his masters degree in business administration from Clark University. This degree helps him later with his work at Digital and W3C where he would go on to help the computing word.
  • Kotok joins W3C as an associate chairman

    Kotok joins W3C as an associate chairman
    Alan Kotok joined the W3C as a chairman . His job was to help manage the relationships between organizations. He also maintained the W3C hoist site where he did a lot of research. The masters in business administration helps Kotok a lot at this point.
  • Alan Kotok Dies (aged 64)

    Alan Kotok Dies (aged 64)
    Alan Kotok dies at age 64 in Cambridge, Massachusetts after an eventful life full of hard work and passion for computers. Alan Kotok is a inspirational figure in the computer world and his accomplishments are well deserved.